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Question: Can anyone figure out what this question means!?
Does the heroic code expressed in Beowulf conflicts with a christian sensibility!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its asking if the danish code of the hugely virile attack-til-you-die-and plunder-the-survivors tradition conflicts with Christian ideals!.

The answer is obvious when you consider what became of each: the viking eventually forgot thier sagas and traditions after conquering so much land and spreading out so far that they eventually were absorbed into the surrounding culture!.

Danes killed, plundered and captures!. Christians did this as well, but with one major difference: civilization ensued!.

They built, ordered, educated and made great advances for humanity, enjoyed by many cultures worldwide!. The hero-ism of the danes may have been a force once to reckon with but it fizzled out with just a few stereotypical operas left to remind us they existed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems pretty clear to me!. Do you know what the "heroic code" is!? If so, it seems pretty simple to compare it to a christian sensibility, since we live in a primarily christian society and our laws and social conventions are a reflection of those!. If not, it's quite simple to find out about Beowulf's heroic code!. I just did, it took me less than a minute to find an extremely clear explanation!.

I hope no one answers this for you, since it's a good question that requires a little thought and research on your part!.

Researching and thinking things through are very good and useful habits to develop!. They will bring you wealth in many ways!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you sure the question doesn't say "Does the heroic code expressed in Beowulf CONFILCT with christian sensibility!?" otherwise just read the question!.!.!.i haven't read Beowulf but i assume you have (or were supposed to have), is there a code the heros follow!? or some sort of ethics that they have!? if so then what is different about it that christian sensiblity!.!.!.are their ethics sensible!? idkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Use the following link, read the book, check more info in Sparknotes, and go from there (don't think anyone is going to do this for you):


It seems pretty simple, look up heroic code!. Then christian ethics or tenets!.


I would assume that it means if how they described being a hero in Beowulf conflicted with Christian ideals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pay attention in class and do your own homework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com