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Question: How do I study without falling asleep and checking my email!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
make a time line for yourself
start by telling yourself you'll study for 30 minutes and then get a 30 minute break!. for everytime you catch yourself doing something else take a minute off your break time!. after the break, go back and work for 30 more minutes then take an even shorter break!. eventaully you will find that you will be able to work fast and study hard with minimal breaks!.


Does your studying require the use of a computer!? If not, then take yourself far away from said computer and turn it off!. Trust me, I have more trouble focusing on studying when there is a lovely internet right near me than most people I know!.

As for falling asleep, I would suggest drinking a caffeinated tea such as chai!. It is not as strong as coffee so it will not make you as hyperactive!.

Another suggestion!. I like to put on a few CDs I really enjoy and that have amazing solos or an amazing verse or something short like that somewhere in the middle!. Whenever the short amazing part comes on, I stop my work right in the middle of whatever I am doing, relax and just listen!. It removes a lot of the stress that late-night working brings!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mp3 player helps me concentrate, that is if you can handle background noise, my weakness is my bed, when I have to study in my room there's no way I'm not hitting the bed but if I crank up the volume on my mp3 it helps! Something about it being right in my ear!.!.!.also I stay away from the computer unless its totally necessary!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get a bit more motivated about what you're doing - if you have a good reason for studying like wanting to do well for yourself,actually learning something, then you'll be able to concentrate more easily!. However, if you're just studying because someone is telling you to, or because of some other external influence, then it's not going to be of much use because deep inside you couldn't really give a ****!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you find out tell me!. I cannot study becuase I always get distracted grrrrrrr!Www@QuestionHome@Com

coffee, coffee and!.!.!. !.!.!.coffeeWww@QuestionHome@Com