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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have you ever read Jane Eyre or A Separate Peace?

Question: Have you ever read Jane Eyre or A Separate Peace!?
im reading both of those novels for my Honors English 10 summer work!. What did you think of them!? I really like Jane Eyre, but I hate A Separate Peace, and I don't know how im going to get through the book and do a double entry journal for it!.!.!. So what did you think of the books, and do you have any suggestions for me!?

Have a great day =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have taught both books in my literature classes and love them both!.

I think the problem might be that you're having trouble identifying with the characters in A Separate Peace!. As a Twilight/Jane Eyre lover, you probably thrive on romance - and that's not what A Separate Peace is about!.

Try to focus on the rivalry that Gene feels for Finny!. Surely you've experienced this type of rivalry/jealousy in school - the talented & popular kids vs!. the "wanna-be" kids!. Find some way that you can relate the book to your own life!.

also, there's a surprise plot twist near the end that will make your struggle worthwhile!

Good luck! I hope you end up liking A Separate Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why don't you write a journal entry about how much you DON'T like A Separate Peace and explain why!? as intelligently as possible of course! you can't possibly expect to like every single book you have to read for school - the trick is to try to get something out of everything you have to read, even if it's just one small point, even one sentence, where you say, 'yeah, that was kinda cool,' or 'yeah, i agree with that!.' i've read Jane Eyre and didn't like it!. i haven't read A Separate Peace or if i did, i've forgotten all about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to absolutely hate Jane Eyre, but over the years it has grown on me!. I think I just hated the fact Rochester was so ugly (I was eleven then and quite shallow in my literary heroes, ha ha)!. I read A Separate Peace some months ago, and didn't like it very much!. The pacing was incredibly slow, and only picked up around the last 50 pages!.
If you like Jane Eyre, I recommend the other Bront? sisters, Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read Jane Eyre, but I read A Separate Peace twice!. It was hard for me to get into the first time, so I forced myself to read it again and found that it was much more enjoyable for me the second time around :) good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Talking about Jane Eyre, here is a new edition of the book:
