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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is the audience in a movie theater an organisation? what about an individual wri

Question: Is the audience in a movie theater an organisation!? what about an individual writing a novel!?
individual writing a novel!? how about people playing a friendly round of golf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
An organization is an administrative or functional structure, or the members of such a structure!.

The audience in a movie theater just happen to be in the same room!. They're there for the same purpose, to see the movie, but they didn't organize to go see a movie!. So I'd say no!.

A group playing a round of golf is closer to an organization!. They all got in touch to plan getting together for golf, they got -organized-!. There is structure there, and administration, of sorts!. But that's not what we normally think of as an organization!.

But suppose four friends have a standing date to play golf on the second Sunday of every month!. I'd say that's an organization!Www@QuestionHome@Com