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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has any one read "Boy Toy" by Barry Lyga?

Question: Has any one read "Boy Toy" by Barry Lyga!?
First off, who liked it!?
Second off, What exactly did he FEEL for eve after he saw her for the last time!? I got lost at that point!? Did eve really ever love him!? or was it just a manipulation to get him to have sex with her!?
I was wondering if anyone knew weither or not they were planning to make a movie!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES! I read the book! it was so good,
and very engaging :) I completely adored it, haha!.
Eve did love him, but what she did was wrong !.!.
she was slightly disillusioned, in my opinion!.

she loved him, or thought she loved him,
so she manipulated him into loving her, too!.
I don't think there will be a movie, because
it would be hard to make one, and 'Boy Toy'
might be offensive to some viewers!.
but, you never know!

oh, and the main character (sorry, I forgot
his name !.!. ) said that when he saw eve
for the last time, he still sorta liked her,
but he knew what she did was wrong, and
that she had manipulated him!. haha, sorry
if this doesn't make sense!. anyways!

hope this helps! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

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