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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there a site where you type in what u want in a book and it gives results?

Question: Is there a site where you type in what u want in a book and it gives results!?
it should works different types of booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well on Amazon if you look up a book that you know you like you can explore similar books!. That way you get similar genres and writing styles and what not!. And if you have a varied taste in books (like myself) you can look pick different book styles to explore!. They also have favorites lists made by readers so you can search through those and people give thier top 10 or 20 Sci Fi books or Top 15 Adventure books etc!. Amazon also has key word searches so that could be helpful as well!. All and all thats my favorite place to try and look for new books and authors that i might not otherwise have found!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In fantastic fiction you search by book, author, ISBN, you can't search by subject matter!. However, if you do know a book that is similar to what you want, you can check that book and fantasticfiction will bring up names of authors that write similar subjects!. The same applies with Amazon!.

There is another site which is kinda fun though not always that reliable: http://www!.whatshouldireadnext!.com/searc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just learned this today from another question:

fantasticfiction!.co!.uk/ - this was the exact address, but I've not had time to check it out myself yet!.

They said you can type in an author's name and get book titles and summaries from there!. If there is more to it than that, I do not know!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!! Yahoo Answers!! Haha, just ask a question stating what you want in a book, and you'll get lots of responses!! I guarantee it! A bunch of actual human beings answering your question is way better than a computer answering it!.!.!. And we actually know if the books are good or not, when the computer on the other hand, not so much!. Don't risk reading a book that was a waste of your time! Ask us on yahoo answers!

Hope this helps and answers your question!
