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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is A Great and Terrible Beauty about exactly?

Question: What is A Great and Terrible Beauty about exactly!?
I read an exerpt but, I don't really get the whole deal!.!.!.!.all I really know is her mom commits suicide and that's kinda all!.!.!.!.!.!. : > (I'm clueless)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh its a good book!.
Her mom doesn't commit suicide she is murdered by a lady called circe!. You see there is this thing called the order which is made up of only certain people!. They are able to enter a world called "the realms" which is like a world where you can use magic and its filled with magical creatures!. Only thing is something happened yearss ago (dont wanna give it away) and the portal to the realms was sealed, at least thats what they thought!. Then the main character Gemma starts finding out about the realms and all these other secrets and one day she finds out shes able to enter the realms which sets off all these other events to happen!.

They're three books to the series :A great and terrible beauty, Rebel angels, And the sweet far thing!.
They are all pretty good and its written well too!. You should stick to the series even after youre done reading the first book cause it gets more interesting as it goes on!. The way she ends the series is really sad though, It deff had me crying!. Thats all im saying!. Hope you decided to read it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com