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Question: Twilight by Stephenie Meyers!?
Can I suggest Twilight as a TEEN BOOK!?

I mean, can I tell my younger sisters (they're like 12-14) to read the story!? Or it's too serious or X-rated for children!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, Twilight is a teen book!. There are some references to sex in Eclipse, and in New Moon the main character goes through a period of depression, but that's about it!. Nothing a twelve-year-old can't handle!.


If they are 13 or older it would be safe for them to read!. If they were younger it might not be in your best interest to have them read twilight!. Not necessarily cause twilight is bad, but once they read it they will want to immediately read the second and third!. And in Eclipse they almost have sex so!.!.!.you decide if they are that age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well!.!. there is SOME sexual content!. I mean!.!.!. nothing big!. It's just a lot of kissing, stroking, um!.!.!. it's up to you!. Twilight is actually directed in the young adult group (teens!.) The age range is 14-17, grades 9-12!. I'll let you think about that (:

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 16 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can suggest it as a teen book, since its in the teen section at most bookstores!. but its not x-rated!. anyone from any age can enjoy this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes ur sisters can read them!. technically, twilight *is* a teen book!. sort of!. dun worry, it's not x-rated!. i'm 14 and i absolutely love the books!. can't wait for breaking dawn! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They would be ok to read it, but have them talk about it too!.!.!.your own book club, have mom in on it tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is fine for any age!.!.!. it can relate to anyone!!!
-best book <3Www@QuestionHome@Com