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Question: Who chooses your Pen Name!?
I am in the process of speaking with a publisher, although I have no agent, and have thought to myself that my real name might be too lengthy and cumbersome to be plastered on books I write!.

Concerning a Pen Name, do you yourself choose it!? Or does the Publishing house/agent choose it!?

It seems kind of arrogant to me to talk to a publisher and say, "Oh, by the way, I want (insert name) as my pen name"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good Evening Lena,

I think that you have the right to choose your pen name!. I think it's considerable for your publisher to help you choose it as well, but considering you haven't done anything wrong, I would say it doesn't matter!. [Pseudonyms are usually used to conceal a name that will be famous/infamous!. They were supposedly used for people in resistance groups,etc!. because their lives would be at risk!.

So in other words,

Yes, you do have the privilege to choose your pen name, but use it wisely!. Who knows, your name may be long, but it may make a good impression on people!.


you choose your pen nameWww@QuestionHome@Com