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Question: Can the Holy Bible be borrowed from a library!?
I don't conceive that it can be borrowed!.Is it true!? Futhermore,do you relish reading the Holy Bible!?
May I thank you sincerely!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As you know,the Holy Bible is an literally rare book!.Of course,it can be found in a library or maybe it can't!.You can simply go to a church and take a copy of the Bible!.=)
I relish reading the Bible as it stimulates my mind!.Though it may be a long story,I can't stop reading it!.I hope that you will grab that Bible and start reading it with great attention!.

Strength through wisdom!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would think the Bible would be in the reference section!. Where you can read it inside the library, but you can't take it out!.

Whoever said something about stealing Bibles!.!.!.!.!.Folks steal them out of hotel rooms all the time!. I think it's just the notion of getting something "extra" for your money!. Because you know they don't take it to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know but you can read the Bible online at Biblegateway!.com and there are many versions available as well as some study features!. There are shareware programs that you can download!. One is called E-Sword!. I had it on another computer I used once!. That program was really good and had loads of study and research features!.

Many used bookstores have copies of the Bible for little cost!. Some will have a name in them, but still, they could be a real bargain for you!.

The Bible is an amazing book; I've read several translations!. Before I had a relationship with God, I just couldn't read it and it bored me stiff!. I got stuck in Genesis and got no further!.BUT, after I encountered Jesus and became a Christian it was almost eerie, but it suddenly made sense and I just couldn't put it down!. After 37 years, it still moves me and amazes me!. I hope you find its wonders for yourself!

The Bible is also known as the TOP book stolen from bookstores!. I can't recommend you go to a church and take one, as someone else recommends!. You won't feel right about it and it is NOT rare, as in there being few of them!. It is freely available in most areas!.

If you can't afford one, email me and I will find a way for you to have one!. I have some English versions and will mail one to you for starters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In principle it can, and most libraries have multiple versions!.

In my experience, though, it's hard to keep in the collection of a public library because people keep stealing it!. I've never understood this!. Why steal a book that tells you stealing brings you an eternity of torture!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it would be in the reference section, and therefore you couldn't check it out!. However, if you want a copy for free, you could probably just walk into the nearest church and ask for one, cause they usually have lots of extras to give away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most definitely you can find and borrow many different editions and translations of the Bible in any public library!. Our large size library has over 70 versions, including audio for people with reading difficulties!.


Yes, there will be several translations, large print, etc!. Most libraries have copies that can be checked out!. They also have copies of the Quran, The Book of Morman, and other religious writings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never read the Bible and don't really plan on it unless I ever get one of those "visits from God" and turn religious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!.!.!.I never noticed one! I guess you can!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i think soWww@QuestionHome@Com

have u checked at ur local library yet!? u might find it thereWww@QuestionHome@Com