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Question: 23 Minutes in Hell!?
How was the book!?I am thinking about getting it!.And do you think the guys story is real!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe it'd be a nice, interesting FICTION read, but don't take everything he says as absolute truth!. Near Death Experiences happen to people of all religions, and what they see almost always accords to their personal religion!. Scientists believe these experiences can be explained by excess levels of beta endorphins, but this has not yet been confirmed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it and thought it was good fiction!. I don't personally believe that it was real!. However I do have a friend who also read it, enjoyed it for what it was worth, and since he is a pastor obviously believes that it is dead on true!.

My personal religious beliefs aside, I find it hard to believe as real mainly because there are so many other books out there that use the same imagery, and even alot of the same specific details that are used in this book, and they are blatantly fake because the positive imagery that is added (for example if the author is giving insight into heaven or wherever in addition to the trip to hell) is so out of line with what the Bible teaches that it makes the author seem very uneducated and gullible!.

If you want to read it, then do so!. But as with anything, you have to be the judge of what is good vs bad!. You can't rely on other people to decide that for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very scary and very eye-opening!. Wheather or not Bill Weise's story is true, I don't know!. But the reality of hell is very true, and I think he described the lake of fire very acurately!. Minus the people burning!. No one is burning yet, according to the Lazarus the Rich Man story!.

Anyway, I don't consider 23 Minutes In Hell a waste of money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't think it's real!. But that's because I don't believe in Hell-- not the way other people believe in it, anyways!. I don't believe there is a "lake of fire and brimstone" where you burn forever!. I think the concept is a little silly!. The God I believe in doesn't send people to Hell for all of eternity!. (That is what the book is about, correct!? A guy who says he had a "vision" of some sort about Hell!?)!. Anyways-- people from ALL religions have "vision" things like that all the time during near-death experiences!. This man, as a Christian, says he saw Hell; so what about the Hindus or Pagans or Jews who say they have a "vision" in a near death experience which goes along with their religion!? How are you supposed to know who is "telling the truth" and who is not!?

I haven't heard anything about the book!. I imagine most die-hard Christians would probably enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think the story is real, well that's just my opinion!. A lot of people have different beliefs of whether Heaven or Hell exists or not!. Sometimes I think of whether my religion is really true or all made up of lies!. Sometimes I wonder if Saint Bernadette's body who was put inside a glass coffin inside a church in France, was really a body or just a mannequin, or just someone who looks like Saint Bernadette!. I'm really an agnostic person, and don't hate me for it, I have reasons!.

If God was really real, and told you to only believe in one god, doesn't it question the other religions!? What's with the 10 commandments!? No stealing, no killing, no committing adultery, respect your parents, love your enemies more than your friends!?!? They seem more like laws which have been altered to make it seem holy, so people can feel restrained from doing something they really want to do!. 'If you kill someone, you will go to hell', that really seems like it'll affect someone in making decisions, dont you think!? What happened to Greek beliefs!? Where you have Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades and plenty other gods and goddesses watching over you!?

And I'm sorry for those who take their religion seriously, and who have been offended reading this!. I just want to give you something to think about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my dear God, it is very very very real and it is extremely haunting and scary and creepy and it gives an accurate and terrifying description of Hell!

That book will change your life!. It will make you become a Christian and it will make you belive in Jesus for the single reason that you want to STAY OUT OF HELL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just another for-profit book to exploit people still gullible enough to believe in fantasy as fact!. Zombie-fiction fanboys and girls are taking their "religion" a little too seriously, I think!. Ha!Www@QuestionHome@Com


It will change your life!. Seriously!.

Yes, it's definitely real!. No one has the imagination to come up with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but they've got great meds for that now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

so the opposite virsion is 5 people you meet in heavin and thats wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better!Www@QuestionHome@Com