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Question: How do you write a screen play!?!?!?
I have several stories of my own that I think may have a good potential for a movie or a TV show!. I really just need some help with the method used to construct a screen play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
maggie, there are whole books devoted to teaching this, most notably McKee's "Story," "The Screenwriter's Bible" by Trottier, and Field's "The Screenwriter's Workbook!."

There's a specific format, which is quite rigid, and lots of do's and don'ts!. You can learn a lot by reading--not asking questions, just reading--IMDb's Shop Talk Writers or the scripts board at Absolute Write, plus Jim Vines' excellent blog!.

The biggie is that your action lines can't include anything that doesn't show on the screen!. You can't tell your actors how to act (no instructing them on voice tone, facial expression, etc!.)!. Every line must propel the story forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com