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Question: Books to read!?!!!!!?
so some of my favorites are:
fahrenheit 451
alice in wonderland
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

So what would you recommend!?

and please no twilight series!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Seconding the recs for Gaiman and Ender's Game!. I also suspect you would like some of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, based on your mention of Douglas Adams, and especially his collaboration with Gaiman, Good Omens!.


If you like Orwell and Bradbury, you might also enjoy Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, We, by Evgeny Zamyatin, and The Handmaid's Tail, by Margaret Atwood!. There's a list of more dystopian literature here: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/List_of_dys!.!.!.

Another good one to look for might be The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov, which combines a rather dystopian vision with the crazy humor of Adams or Carroll!. A good translation is important, though!. I'd probably go for this one: http://www!.amazon!.com/Master-Margarita-M!.!.!.

but you can read samples from a number of different ones here to see if there's another you might prefer: http://www!.amazon!.com/gp/richpub/syltgui!.!.!.

Better yet, learn Russian!. :) Bulgakov is BRILLIANT in Russian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like stuff like 1984 (one of my personal favourites)
Try "A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, it's very similar!.

Or, the "uglies" series by scott westerfeld, which is also a lot like 1984, except more orientated towards teenage girls!.
I was skeptical about the series, but I actually really enjoyed it!.

If you liked hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, try Douglas Adams' other book "The Restaurant at the end of the universe"
I actually preferred it to Hitchhikers guide!.

also, look into "Life Of Pi" by Yan Martel!.
It's strange, but a worthy read nonetheless!.

And, in case you haven't read them already, I'd suggest some obvious classics like:
To kill a mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye
Gone with The Wind

And, a fairly lesser known book, "Two solitudes" by Hugh MacLennan!.
It's just amazing

Or, try some books by John Steinbeck, he's got to be my favourite author!.
I'd suggest:
Of Mice and Men
The grapes of wrath
East of Eden!.

All three are basically masterpieces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i totally agree with all of your choices XD esp!. the no twilight :3

-anything/everything by neil gaiman (stardust, neverwhere, anansi boys, etc!.)
-the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay, by michael chabon (sounds weird from the summary, but it's actually not)
-jonathan strange and mr!. norrell, by susannah clarke (sp!?)
-again, anything/everything by nick hornby (a long way down, fever pitch, high fidelity, about a boy, etc!.)
-you've probably read this, but the bartimaeus trilogy, by jonathan stroudWww@QuestionHome@Com

Enders Game!.

Going off of the list you gave us, it sounds like you sort of like Sci-fi-ish kind of books!. So I think you would REALLY like Enders Game!. I love Fahrenheit 451 and Hitchikers Guide as well, and I loved Enders Game even more!. I'd also suggest Enders Shadow and Speaker For The Dead (they are part of the Enders series)!.

If you like Ray Bradbury, you might like Something Wicked This Way Comes!. It was good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol dam! i was about to recommend that xD!

Well there is -

Vampire Kisses Series- Ellen Schreiber
1-Vampire Kisses

Percy Jackson & the Olpymians Series
1-( The lightning Thief) - Rick Riordan

(series) Georgia Byng!.

The keeper's (Series) - Sorry i dont know the author

Marked (series) - P!.C!. Cast & Kristen Cast

Ella Enchanted - forgot author =x

Thats all i can think of at the moment, sorry if its not enough!. and sorry if its not what u were expecting!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Looking Glass Wars
The Water Mirror
Blue Bloods
The A-List
Vampire Kisses
Once upon a time: Midnight Pearl
Once upon a time: The Rose Bride
Once upon a time: Beauty
Any Tamora Pierce books
Got Fangs
The Medaitor series
1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series
The Daughters of the Moon
The Summer King
The Vampire Diaries series
Night World book 1


well anyways,
the clique series, and the camp confidential series are also very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not the Twilight Series!?!? They are awesome!
well any who!.!.

How about this one book called The Lovely Bones by Alice SeboldWww@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend two funny and well written books by George Brennan, Jr!.

Excellence: Sons of Xavier Forever
Bats, Brats, and StatsWww@QuestionHome@Com


Check out this place:


I made a rapid look and found interesting things!. It may help you too!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Push (forgot the author)
and any of the Zane books are good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the hobbit,,,

lion witch and the wardrobeWww@QuestionHome@Com

things not seen!.

This is the Science Fiction List from my Website!. You can find lots of other lists there!. The Fantasy List might also appeal to you!.

James White:
Beginning Operations: A Sector General Omnibus includes: Hospital Station, Star Surgeon, and Major Operation!.
Alien Emergencies: A Sector General Omnibus includes: Ambulance Ship, Sector General, and Star Healer!.
Double Contact (about the Cinrusskin, Dr!. Prilicla)
General Practice (includes Code Blue - Emergency and The Genocidal Healer)
Mind Changer
The Watch Below
The Silent Stars Go By

Madeleine L'Engle:
A Wrinkle in Time *
A Wind in the Door *
A Swiftly Tilting Planet *
Many Waters *
An Acceptable Time *

E!. E!. "Doc" Smith:
Triplanetary *
First Lensman *
Galactic Patrol *
Gray Lensman *
Second Stage Lensman *
Children of the Lens *
The Vortex Blaster (a!.k!.a!. Masters of the Vortex) *
The Skylark of Space series *

Andre Norton:
Starman's Son *
Galactic Derelict *
The Time Traders *
Solar Queen

Ursula K!. LeGuin:
The Telling *
The Word for World is Forest *
The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia *
The Left Hand of Darkness *
City of Illusions *
Planet of Exile *
Rocannon's World *
The Lathe of Heaven *

Lois Lowry: The Giver, Gathering Blue, and Messenger
Scott Westerfeld: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras!.
Jules Verne: Journey to the Center of the Earth *

Isaac Asimov:
Prelude to Foundation
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Foundation and Earth
Forward the Foundation
I, Robot (Nothing like the movie!)
The Caves of Steel (Robot Series)
The Naked Sun (Robot Series)
The Robots of Dawn (Robot Series)
Robots and Empire (Robot Series)
The Currents of Space (Empire Series)
The Stars, Like Dust (Empire Series)
Pebble in the Sky (Empire Series)
The Gods Themselves
Fantastic Voyage
The End of Eternity

Ray Bradbury:
The Martian Chronicles *
Dandelion Wine
The Illustrated Man

H!. G!. Wells:
The Time Machine *
The War of the Worlds *
The Island of Dr!. Moreau
The Invisible Man

C!. S!. Lewis:
Space Trilogy - Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength

Larry Niven: Ringworld
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle:
The Mote in God's Eye and Lucifer's Hammer

Edwin A!. Abbott:
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (Dionys Burger wrote a sequel called Sphereland!. The two can be purchased in one volume!.)

Arthur C!. Clarke:
Against the Fall of Midnight *
Childhood's End
Rendevous with Rama
The City and the Stars
The Fountains of Paradise
2001: A Space Odyssey
2010: Odyssey Two
2061: Odyssey Three
3001: The Final Odyssey

Robert A!. Heinlein:
Rocket Ship Galileo *
Space Cadet *
Red Planet *
Farmer in the Sky *
Between Planets *
The Rolling Stones (Space Family Stone) *
Starman Jones *
The Star Beast *
Tunnel in the Sky *
Time for the Stars *
Citizen of the Galaxy *
Have Space Suit-Will Travel *
Nothing Ever Happens on the Moon *
Tenderfoot in Space *
Green Hills of the Earth
The Past Through Tomorrow
Double Star
The Door Into Summer
Starship Troopers
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Glory Road
Time Enough for Love
The Puppet Masters
Podkayne of Mars *
Time for the Stars
Red Planet
Farnham's Freehold
Stranger in a Strange Land (a classic of science fiction)

Stanley Robinson:
Mars Trilogy - Red Mars, Green Mars, and Blue Mars

Orson Scott Card:
Ender's Game
Ender's Shadows
A War of Gifts: An Ender Story
Speaker for the Dead

Michael Crichton:
Sphere, The Terminal Man, The Andromeda Strain, and Jurassic Park

Walter Tevis: The Man Who Fell to Earth
Frederik Pohl: Gateway

David Brin:
Startide Rising
The Uplift War
Brightness Reef
Infinity's Shore
Heaven's Reach
Glory Season
The Postman
Kiln People

Joe Haldeman: The Forever War
James Blish: Cities in Flight
Gene Wolfe: Book of the New Sun

Stanislaw Lem: Solaris, Cyberiad, Eden, and The Star Diaries

Philip K!. Dick:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep!?
The Policeman Said
Flow My Tears
The Man in the High Castle

Frank Herbert:
Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Chapter House of Dune

Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse Five and Cat's Cradle
Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

Nancy Farmer:
The House of the Scorpion (Humans despise clones, but young Matt is the clone of El Patron and that gives him special status!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why not the twilight series!?!?
well how about these:
a sound of thunder by ray bradbury
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
pride&prejudice by jane austen
helen of troy by margaret GeorgeWww@QuestionHome@Com