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Question: A quiz for you harry potter fans!?10 pts for best answers!?
1!. who is sirius black and in what book # was he introduced!?

2!. who does harry potter end up marrying!?

3!. name three horcruxes

4!. who does bill weasly (ron's brother) marry!?

5!. what was the first challenge in the triwizard tournament (book # 4)

6!. give me your fav character and explain why

hope you guys enjoy the quiz! =))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Sirius Black is Harry's godfather and was mentioned briefly in book one, but was properly introduced in book 3, prisoner of Azkaban!.
2!. Harry ends up marrying Ginny Weasley in the last chapter of book 7, the deathly hallows
3!. Three horcruxes are, the locket, the diadem and the diary, but there was also Harry, the snake, the stone in the ring and the cup!. the last part resided in Voldemort
4!. Bill weasley marries Fleur Delacor in the last book!.
5!. The first challenge was to get past the dragon and capture the golden egg!.
6!. My favourite character is Ron because he is Harry's best best friend and is hilarious and loyal although he did get jealous of Harry, which only deepens his character i think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Harry Potter's god father (suspected mass murderer) who escapes from Azkaban and ha was introduced in the third book (The Prisoner of Azkaban)

2!. Ginny of course!.

3!. The book that Harry stabbed in the second book
The locket
Voldemort's snake

4!. Flaur De Lecloure (i have no clue how to spell it off the top of my head)

5!. The first challenge was when they all fought the Dragons!.

6!. My favorite character is Ron because he is always looking out for Harry, but in a manly kind of way (not like H) He is always willing to do anything against the rules with Harry!. And even though Harry is a d bag to Ron sometimes he still cares about him (like the time when they werent speaking the the fourth book and he tried to explain to Harry what the challenge was) :DD

I love Harry Potter!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

#1: Sirius Black is Harry Potter's Godfather, thought to be a Death Eater and introduced in Book #3 Prisoner of Azkaban!.

#2: Harry marries Ginny Weasly
#3: Morvolo's ring, Harry, Tom Riddle's Diary
#4 Fluer Delacor
#5 To retrieve a golden egg from a dragon and open it for the next stage of the tournament
#6 Hermione Granger--- she seems timid and a rule follower, but watch your step because she's hell with spells and a wicked right hook (as Draco found out)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Harry's godfather, James' best friend, scapegoat of Peter Pettigrew, co-creator of the Marauders' Map, last in the male line of Black, brother/cousin to Death Eaters, escaped Azkaban prisoner, Animagus, a formerly handsome man; he was introduced in the 3rd book as an escapee from Azkaban!. Eventually, Harry realized (while in the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade) that Sirius was not the man who committed the crimes he was imprisoned for!.

2!. Ginevra Weasley, a!.k!.a "Ginny"!. She was the first girl to be born into the Weasley family in generations!.

3!. I'll name them all! In the order they were destroyed: diary, ring, locket, cup, diadem, Harry, Nagini!.

4!. Fleur Delacour, granddaughter of a veela, a French student at Beauxbatons Academy, and a champion in the Triwizard Tournament!.

5!. To collect the golden egg from the dragons' nests!. The dragons varied in degrees of ferocity, but the Hungarian Horntail (which was assigned to Harry) was easily the most vicious!. The other dragons were a Swedish Short Snout, a Chinese Fireball, and a Common Welsh Green!.

6!. Ginny and Harry are my favorite characters!. They're altruistic and sympathetic, they're funny, they're spirited and vivacious--they're just *great* people!

I did enjoy the quiz! Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Sirius Black was the person who was believed to have sold the Potters out to Voldemort!. He was closest to the Potters, and Harry's Godfather!. Sirius was introduced in the 3rd book after escaping from Askaban

2!. Ginny Weasly!

3!. Tom Riddle's Diary, Slytherin's locket and Harry Potter

4!. Fluer Delacuer

5!. To get a golden egg away from Dragon mothers

6!. My favorite has to be Ron because he has faults, but he's also such a good guy!. He's very funny in the books too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Sirius Black was the wrongfully accused murderer of Harry's parents, and he was in fact their good friend and was made Harry's godfather!. He was introduced in The Prisoner of Azkaban but was first mentioned in the first chapter of The Philosopher's Stone by Hagrid, when he explained to Dumbledore that he had borrowed Sirius's motorbike to bring the baby Harry to the Dursley's home!.

2!. Harry Potter married Ginny Weasley!.

3!. Ravenclaw's Diadem, Tom Riddle's Diary and Nagini, Voldemort's snake!.

4!. Bill Weasley marries Fleur Delacour!.

5!. The first Triwizard Tournament challenge was for the champions to retrieve a golden egg from a female dragon's nest, preferably without harming any of the other eggs or being injured themselves!.

6!. My favourite character has always been Snape, because in the earlier books, while he was not a likeable character, it was still fun to read about him and he was very well written by J!.K!. Rowling!. And then in The Half-Blood Prince his role suddenly changed, and all the Harry Potter fans were talking about him, wondering if he was good or evil!. I was sure he was good, and I turned out to be right!. He was noble and brave and brilliant!. His fate was heartbreaking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Sirius Black is Harry Potter's Godfather; He is first introduced in Book 3- The Prisoner of Azkaban!.

2!. He ends up marrying Ginny Weasley

3!. The Ravenclaw Diadem, The Hufflepuff Sword, Tom Riddle's Diary

4!. He marries Fleur Delacour

5!. The first challenge was getting the golden egg from the dragons

6!. My favorite character was Ron Weasley because he is freaking hilarious and shouts alout!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. He is Harry's godfather and James' best friend!. He was introduced in Prisoner of Azkaban!.

2!. Ginny Weasley!.

3!. The Hufflepuff Cup, the locket and Ravenclaw's diadem!.

4!. He marries Fleur Delacour, who we met in GoF!.

5!. The dragons, where they had to retrieve the golden egg without injuring the real eggs!. Harry got the worst dragon; the Hungarian Horntail, which was quite ferocious!.

6!. Hermione is my favorite because she's level-headed, extremely talented and kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Harry's godfather!.!.!.!. he was introduced in book 3
2!. Ginny Weasly, Harry's best friend Ron's little sister
3!. The diary from the second book, Slytherins locket, hufflepuff cup
4!. Fleur Delacour
5!. The contestants had to get a golden egg from a dragon's nest without harming any of the other eggs!.
6!. Harry Potter because he is the main characterWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Harry's godfather; book 3
2!. Ginny Weasly
3!. Nagini, Hufflepuff's cup, Slytherin's locket
4!. Fleur Delacour
5!. The contestants had to get a golden egg from a dragon's nest without harming any of the other eggs!.
6!. Luna!. She's so confident in herself and doesn't care what other's think of her!. She's a powerful woman who knows exactly what she wants from life!. She's just a wonderful character!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Sirius Black is Harry's godfather, and was Harry's dad's (James) best friend!. He was introduced in the third book, Prison of Azkaban!.

2!. Ginny!.

3!. Marvolo's ring!. The Diary!. Slytherin's locket!.

4!. Fluer Delacour!.

5!. To get the egg from the dragon!.

6!. I like Ron!.!.!. He's just so funny!.

[ :Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Harry's godfather, introduced in book three (but was mentioned once in book one)

2) Ginny Weasley

3) Nagini, the locket, Ravenclaw's lost diadem

4) Fleur Delacour

5) Get the golden egg from the dragon

6) I liked Snape!. He was sweet and caring and full of love!. He deserved better than to die hated and alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Woo! Harry Potter quizz lmao!

1!. Sirius Black is Harry's Godfather and he was introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban (Book 3)
2!. Ginny Weasley
3!.Harry Potter, Nagini and Tom Riddle's diary
4!. Fleur Delacour
5!. The 3 (or 4 champions in Harry's case) must retrieve the golden egg from the dragon!.
6!. Ron because he is ginger :) (Reason Enough :P)

Awesome quiz! I am beyond boredom! Tyvm! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Harry's godfather!. HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban
2!. Ginny Weasley
3!. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, and Harry Potter himself!.
4!. Fleur Delacour
5!. To snatch a golden egg from a dragon's nest!.
6!. Gilderoy Lockhart!. Because no matter how bad the world gets, no matter what bad thing happens, no matter what evil befalls the universe, Gideroy never remembers it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. harrys god father and in book 3
2!. ginny weasley
3!. the locket, the hufflepuff cup and tom riddle's diary!.
4!. fleur delacour
5!. trying to get the golden dragon eggs!.
6!. i like hermione cuz shes like her own character and shes rele smart for her age!. and shes very practical and she knows what shes doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Harry's godfather!. Book 3
2!. Ginny
3!. ravenclaw diadem, hufflepuff cup, the special wand
4!. Fleur Delacour
5!. dragons!?
6!. Sirius!. He's such a father figure and I was so depressed when he died!.

How'd I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com