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Question: How do you use microsoft word to write a book!?
Ok!. i'm new at this (writing a book), i've never used microsoft word for writing a book!. can anyone tell me how to start, or what's the first thing i do in microsoft word for writing a book!? is there any reasonable priced software i could use to get me started!? help me out please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Um, just write it!?

You don't have to do anything special, because if you're planning on getting it published, you send it to agents and publishers as a manuscript (A4 pages, double spaced in Times New Roman 11 or 12pt), not as a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Open the program, click on new document, it will open up a blank page!. Type!. When you are done, go to the top click on File!. A drop down menu will open up!. Click on Save As, and a new window will open, asking you if you want to save the document!. Give the document a name (it will be the first of two rectangular windows at the bottom of the window that opened!. The other leave as is!. I usually save my documents to the My Documents folder which should be the default when the Save As window opens!. If not, on the right you will have several icons, one of them will be Desktop!. If you are not very proficcient using a PC you can save to your Desktop, which is easily accesible from Windows!.

A tutorial to consider: http://wordprocessing!.about!.com/cs/intro!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been using a website called chapteread!.com!. When you sign up you get a cool writing area!. You can keep track of your characters, critiques, brainstorms, and things to do!. I really like it and have found it to be useful for my writings!. You might want to check it out!. BTW, it's free!.

-p!.s!. the sites a writing community with some great articles on publishing and copyright that you might be interested in too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would write the book like you would write anything else on Microsoft!. I am currently writing a book on Microsoft and everything is working fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
