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Question: What is your favorite romance book, ever!!?!!?
What is your favorite romance book and what is it about!?!!?!

Mine is Jude Deveraux's A Knight in Shining Armor which is about a man named Nicholas Strafford who lives in the medieval times, and is tricked into getting accused for Treachery against the queen of england, and before he is executed, he gets flung through time into modern day where he meets Dougless Montgomery who is heartbroken because her boyfriend basically abandoned her in England, and then she stumbles across Nicholas and is like, whooo is this guy who thinks he lives in the medeival times!?!! But eventually she starts believing him and they fall in love, and it's a beautiful love story!! It's an amazing historical and modern fiction/romance put together with some time traveling! It's my absolute favorite!

What's your favorite romance book and what's it about!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My list is LONG!. Anyway, some samples:


"Dark Lover" by J!.R!. Ward!. I brought it to my vacation to London two and a half years ago !.!.!. and I was begrudging having to go out sightseeing! I love London though :D Blurb here: http://www!.jrward!.com/index-books!.html#d!.!.!.

"A Hunger Like No Other" by Kresley Cole (this one is explicit): http://kresleycole!.com/docs/book_HLNO!.ph!.!.!.

"Slave to Sensation" by Nalini Singh: http://www!.nalinisingh!.com/psy!.html


"Romancing Mr!. Bridgerton": http://www!.juliaquinn!.com/books/mister!.h!.!.!.

"Dancing at Midnight":

"England's Perfect Hero" by Suzanne Enoch: http://www!.suzanneenoch!.com/

My time traveling favorite authors:

Lynn Kurland: http://www!.lynnkurland!.com/
Karen Marie Moning: http://www!.karenmoning!.com/novels/index_!.!.!.
Sandra Hill (this author writes comedies so the series is pretty funny in an off the wall sort of way!. I've caught plenty of stares while reading these in public): http://www!.sandrahill!.net/books!.html#Vik!.!.!.


Not too good with ranking "favorites" -- but you might want to try _Tryst_ by Elswyth Thane!. Ghost love!. Very, very romantic!.

(Better to get it on interlibrary loan, if you can, because it's out of print and quite expensive!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

my fav!. is twilight haha its about vampires and wearwolves but it is a romace!.!.!.a sifi romance!. haha!. its rly good i think!. but its more than romance!. its an action and science fiction as well!. i love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gone With the Wind!.!.!.!.!.I love the book and watch the movie every chance I get!.!.!.!.!.!.Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara!.!.!.star-crossed lovers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love the classics and my favorite is pride and prejudice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Go TEAM EDWARD!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really like twilight, but that will probably change when i start to read classics like pride and prejudiceWww@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks!. It's about a woman who finds a bottle with a note in it that had washed up on the beach!. She works in a newspaper place and the letter got published so it could touch the heart of millions!. Readers sent in letter and a few included messages that were on the same paper in the same type!. She pieced together all the clues she could and eventually found the man who wrote the heart warming letters!. They got together until he found out she had the letters!. He got mad and they split up!. Then they realized their love for one another was too strong!. Tragedy strikes toward the end!.!.!.!.but I won't give it away!. You GOTTA read this book!!! It's AMAZING!!!!! SOOOo much better than the movie!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine is Peony in Love by Lisa See!.!.!.!. well, it's not a traditional 'Romance' by any means, but it's about a young chinese girl who is going to be married into an arranged marriage but she meets a man in their garden during a play that her father is hosting, and she falls in love with him!. And, well, I'd tell more but if you do plan on reading it I wouldn't want to ruin it for you!. It takes a pretty big twist early on and the rest of the story is about the depths of this girls love for the man she met in the garden!. It's an amazing book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like Jude Deveraux (she's one my all time favorites too), give this book a try !.!.!.it's still my favorite, and I've read hundreds of books !

The Sound Of Snow, by Katherine Kingsley

When her best friend and cousin, Lydia, dies, Joanna Carew returns to England from her villa in Italy to care for Lydia’s son!. Lydia had pleaded that if anything happened to her that she care for him and had expressed her fear of her husband as well!.

Joanna is not well received!. She is aware, however, of all the malicious rumors that had resulted in her leaving England before!. At first, she and Guy de Salis share a dislike and distrust of one another!. Joanna concentrates her attentions on the young boy who is obviously deeply disturbed!. In a short time she has worked miracles on him, not to mention the servants who adore her!. Life relaxes into one pleasant day after another and Guy and Joanna, who have finally admitted their feelings for one another, plan their wedding!. Then, one day, there is an unexpected and very unwelcome guest and life is turned topsy-turvy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com