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Question: What do people think about the Twilight Books!?
I just want to know what people think about Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series!. Not the movie, and not the Twilight Zone!. Jezz, so many people think I'm talking about the Twilight Zone when I show them the book!. Anyway! Convers away!
Only intelligent answers please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
truthfully i read the first book before it was popular, well to my knowledge, and i found myself skipping parts and practically dragging twoards the end, but i did like it enough to read the second, and by the end of the second i was up on all of the twilight hype!. the first two books were good and at the end of 2 i felt that bella grew as a person, but in thethird book jacob and edward turn into such manipulating jerks and bella into this suddenlyobbsesed person who has no goals or dreams in life and who doesnt doanything but cook and clean around the house!. instead of going forward everyone just took a giant leap back! evern charlie (who is sheriff!!!) cant effing(sorry for the language) cook spaghetti without almost burnin the house down! how did he survive for so long without bella!? and i feel sorry for the people of forks cuz he has to take care of them!. and y hasnt alice kicked the daylights outa bella yet!? she always so nice to her and stuff and bella is this ungrateful beeee- to her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is amazing! Probably the best out of the three because it's the start of Bella & Edward's relationship!. It's soo romantic! When I first read this book I fell in LOVE with Edward!. I'm totally obsessed with him & this book now!. The best romance book in history (just an opinion!.) New Moon is alright!. Not as good as Twilight & Eclipse!. It's too sad!. But at the same time it's nice because you get to know a certain character more!. Hmm!.!. I don't know if I should say his name `cuz I'm not totally sure if you've read the books or not!? Anyways!.!.!. New Moon has a sorta happy ending!. I'm having a hard time choosing Eclipse or Twilight as the better book!. They're both REALLY good! Eclipse just ups the romance factor by like!.!.!. miles!. There's a lot of Jacob & Edward in it!. It's also very action-packed!. The end leaves you drooling!. I really can't wait until Breaking Dawn!

In other SHORTER words!.!. Twilight series = best books ever!

Dang it!.!.!. I didn't mean to write a huge paragraph =/ Sorry if I bored you with my Twilight ranting!.

Breaking Dawn 08!.02!.08 - 16 more days from now *squee*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it amusing that "Megan[Team Jacob!] does nothing but criticize the Twilight series in every comment she makes!.!.!.

but for some reason!.!.!.her nickname includes the book series, she answers every question about twilight, loves jacob, bashes on the whole thing, brings people down about reading it, and hates the author!. She probably pretends to hate it and loves jacob black just to be different from everybody else!.


Sorry i got sidetrack there for a second!.

I love the series, i cant wait for the final book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seriously unimpressed!.
Compared to other fantasy novels, of which I have nearly forty years experience, the Twilight series is thin, derivative, poorly-written stuff!.
There's darker horror, mighter romance, more intricate and involving plots, as well as distinctly more evocative and flowing writing, all waiting to be found by people who want to read fantasy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them! But I'm not obsessed, okay!? I know how to control my emotions and when to express them!. :) They are really good, Stephenie writes them in a way where you can really picture it happening, and her view of the vampire world brings a whole new meaning!. She expresses her vampires' ways differently from what we know!. Y'know, fangs, drinks blood only, scary, etc!. But her ideas are different and once you start reading, you can't stop!. I really can't wait for Breaking Dawn! It will be the last book of Twilight series, unfortunately!. Hopefully, I won't be disappointed with the outcome of BD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

these books are JUST AMAZING

no doubt about it!. i finished reading each book in about 3-4 days and there like 500 pages!

stephenie meyer explains everything very specificly nad vividly and thats what really liked about it because it almost seems like your in the book

i really recomend you reading all the books and you better hurry cuz BREAKING DAWN is coming on aug!. 2 and i already reserved mine at the book store cuz i heard it gonna get crazy


I hate the first!.
Love the second!.
Like certain parts of the third!.

I have a love/hate relationship with Twilight!. I hate Stephenie Meyer-- she's probably the worst author I've ever stumbled across!. She can't write to save her life!. She's honestly a terrible author!. I hate the two main characters, Edward and Bella!. I think the plot is stupid and cheesy!. I just don't like them very much!. But I read them because I love Jacob so much!. If he wasn't in them, I wouldn't read them!.

So, pretty much, I hate the series as a whole, but I love the parts with Jake because I love Jacob (I'm weird, I know!. I hate the books, and love a character!.!.!.)!. But the series is highly overrated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people love them!. Many people hate them!. Me!? I like them!.

They are not the best books I've ever read by far, but they aren't the worst either!. They're enjoyable, and a quick easy read!. I've found myself attached to many of the characters, especially Jake (cuz he's awesome)!. And I've also discovered that!.!.!. well, it's embarrassing, but I squeal at the more sweet and romantic parts!. I would never recommended them to a book snob, but that doesn't mean I can't have some books I feel a little guilty for liking so much!.

Plus, vampires sparkle!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You want my opinion!? Fine!.
I think it's an awful book and an horrible influence!. After all the hype and some of my friends screaming about it, I was sorely unimpressed!. They're overrated!. The main characters are very bad role models (a doormat girlfriend, a emotionally and mentally abusive boyfriend) and in general a disgrace to the name of vampire literature!.
Bright spots:
The Volturi!. I like them the most!. I also like Rosalie Cullen as she is trying to get Bella to see an alternative lifestyle other than the "I love Edward I'm becoming a vampire" motif!.

Luthien TWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the Twilight Saga is AWESOME!!!

I felt like i could really relate to the book, and it's really emotional and romantic <3
I can't put the book down!.

I think it's perfectly written, and I love the way SM describes things with so much detail!. It really helps me visualize the whole thing in my head!. After hearing about the movie, i was kinda mad, because i knew that it would NEVER be as good as the book!.

TWILIGHT FTW!!!! <3333Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually just started the series after boycotting the concept for a bit (my cousin insists they are the greatest thing since sliced bread) so I have begun the first book and I have to admit!.!.!. I like it very much so far! True a bit cliche and overdone in the vampire genre but hell, if it ain't broke!.!.!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Astonishingly Intriguing!. Not just the plot, but the characters also!. Somehow, Stephenie manages to take something that is seen as so evil in the world today and twist it into something that is almost good and certainly desirable!.
It still amazes me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's ok!.harry potter is still #1 for me:)
i tihnk many people are reading it just because it's popular and the book covers catch their attention or maybe because their friends recommended it to them!.
or maybe(most probably) because of Edward!.:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely love the first one
Hate the second one
and haven't finished the 3rdWww@QuestionHome@Com

See all these idiots!?

They used to be normal people before Twilight!.

There's your answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

THERE AWESOME!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


i think they are AMAZING!

alot of my freinds wont read them though cuz they say that everyone and their mom have read them

i dunno!.!.!. so bummed theyre making a movie its just going to ruin itWww@QuestionHome@Com

sometimes i just get lost when im reading lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com