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Question: Writers & Artists- How to Create a Good Book Cover!?
Very weird question and I feel slightly stupid, but if you were to finish a book and say- wanted to give it to people to read just as presents!.!. How would you go about creating a honest to god Good book cover!? Like artsy wise!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are some sites that will show you how to make a real book from your printed pages!.







I gave you a lot of different ones because they all have different ideas and show different methods, some of which are more complicated than others!. None of them are too hard though and you should be able to find something that works for you!.

If you were going to submit your book to a publisher you would not want it made up into a book!. You would need to submit it on plain white paper, printed according to the specs required by the publisher regarding font, font size, line spacing, etc!. No publisher would accept your hand bound book as a legitimate manuscript submission!.

As far as whether or not it is unreal for you to think your first book might be published: Probably, yes!. Not because you couldn't be capable of writing a publishable book, but the truth is, many people who put most of their time and energy into the quest to be published never achieve that goal!. Publishing is an incredibly competitive market and far more people write than will ever be published!.
Don't let that stop you though!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are creating the cover yourself - try taking still pictures relating to your material (even if it only makes a connection in your mind)!. Or try mixing media - say paint and fabric!. But this all assuming that you're self publishing or creating copies for friends and family!. My suggestion is this - create the cover you would want to see on a book you would want to read!.

If you're trying to publish a book with a publishing house - then that depends on how new you are to the publishing world!. If this is your first or second book - the house will design the cover for you!. If you are well established or are publishing through a small press or pay presses then you have more creative control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are publishing the book just for friends, so you will have to do the covers yourself!.

Choose an appropriate picture!. Something that has to do domething with the theme of the book!. Personally, dont choose too bright pictures!. Write your name at the top and the title of the book below it in fonts that dont look too shabby and cheap!.

http://bookcovers!.com has some good specimens!.
also this, http://covers!.fwis!.com/

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Find an image that represents a theme in your novel or a character or the story!. Take that image and photoshop it or bedazzle it or make it creative!. I would find an artist or a friend that can draw really well to create the image for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd pick your favorite quote from the book, then imagine that scene in your head, take a fairly artistic picture of it!. Do some SLIGHT editing if you think its nesisary!. add the title and your name and your done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Combination of Copic markers and editing on Photoshop for me!

Edit: If you need help, I can probably whip up something for you!. Contact me--email's in me profile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say if there is a subliminal message, or message or message of any kind in your book, go from there!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com