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Question: Did harry potter have this effect on you!?
so i listened to the books on tape every night going to sleep, and i really started getting hooked in the ending of the half blood prince!. The books changed my moods from day to day, like, if i fell asleep on a really sad part such as


stop reading now if you havent read the books!.!.!.dumbeldores death, i would be depressed all day at work!.

but the ending of the books vastly impacted me, because there was no more and it seemed like they ended so abruptly and it made me very sad because i knew there would be no more!.

did anyone else get that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There's fan fiction

*and*, there's a whole world full of other excellent books


normally i would have but i was hooked(and still am) on the series Twilight!. you think harry potter ended abruptly, twilight's fourth and final book comes out in august!. i think harry potter ended pretty well and i bet that when the last book becomes a movie they'll most likely extend the ending a bit or at least make it a bit more detailed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i felt that way too!. dont worry you will find a new book and it will go away haha!. but yeah its hard cause you get all involved with these characters and then its over and so many are gone and it just straight sucks!.!. but i would get really sad right after the crap thing was after the 6th book it was SO long till the 7th came out and the suspense about made me cry!.

but try to find another series or set or books or something it will help you get out of the potter funkWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh!.my gosh!. I listen to them at night while I go to sleep too!I thought I was like weird for this lol!. Cool, cool someone else does it too :] Ya that happened to me too, but sometimes it was cause I stayed up late listening at good parts and would be grumpy in the morning!. I got sad at the end cause it was finished and I had no more new books to look forward too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When the Harry Potter books ended I was more than distressed!. I went almost crazy wanting to know what was going to happen to Harry and Ginny's children when they got to Hogwarts! I was depressed and I still am whenever I think about how the series ended!. JK please grant us with a few more books! ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. I mean I cried when Sirius died but that was about it!. I mean I was sad for about 5 minutes and then I was fine!. But if you read Terry Goodkind's books!. The sword of truth series!. Omg those books can be so depressing at times!. Seriously!. Read them!. You will be hooked!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, definitely!. I was depressed from the time I found out the release date to the time I actually finished the series!. It was an end of a huge part of my life!. I cried more because I had finished Deathly Hallows than because of any part of the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea theres so much deatail at the beginning of deathly hollows and then the battle and the kaput boom its all over!. like she crammed it all in at the last bit!.!.!.but im really sad there wont be more, I look forward to reading anything else she may write though!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was a little sad, but it wasn't that bad!. Stories of perpetual, to me!. If I wanted to experience it all over again, all I had to do was read Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone again and start over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, but i feel this way about most good books!. at least i know there are always more really good books to start reading again!Www@QuestionHome@Com


tell me about it!.!.!.i had to start talking to a psychologistWww@QuestionHome@Com

I feel that way about every book i love!. not as much as you though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh my god!. yes!. it sucks how there's not going to be anymore!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com