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Question: How can I become more motivated to write!?
I am very unmotivated!. Very unmotivated indeed!. I try to write and I can't, and I've got plenty of ideas!. I just can't be bothered to write them!. BUT I WANNA! BUT I CAN'T! What a to-do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Spice up your daily routine!. If you don't get much excercise, get some!. If you get up late, start getting up early!. If you don't eat a balanced diet, eat one!. If your house isn't very tidy, tidy it!. Clutter and unhealthiness and uncleanliness and tiredness are not condusive to writing!.

Go on a loverlee 'oliday up a mountain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What are you trying that isn't working!? Do you have a special place, free of distractions, where you can write!?

It can be very difficult to write in a setting with too many distractions!. Writing in a quiet, pleasant place on the other hand can have quite a different effect!. Try a coffee shop, a park--anywhere you consider a peaceful, quiet setting where you can focus!.

Are your ideas things you feel passionate about!?

If your ideas are really important and you want to write, writing should be fairly easy!.!.!.unless you have writers block (where you have all these ideas but once you sit down to get them out, the words simply don't formulate!.) Try freewriting excercises to help you out with this-- just start scribbling ideas on a paper and don't worry about a format, looking "neat", or anything like that!. This will help give you an idea of where you want to take your idea, and will also make it more comfortable for you when you start writing something in a more formal fashion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have this exact same problem!. I start writing, and then I can't seem to continue!. Start by planning out the basic plot and then setting!. BUT, most importantly plan out the characters!. Their life history, favorite things, good habits, faults, ect!. Everything about them!. Then, you won't be able to get them out of your head!. If you can't seem to get started, then take a walk, go to the park, or do something else for a while!. Then, come back to the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write for a girl you like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com