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Question: Do you need to be located near your literary agent!?
I'm looking to publish my book, my question being, do you need to be located near your literary agent!? I'm going through alot of them I'm looking up, and can't find any locally!. Most of them are in NY!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There's no need to be near your agent!. A great many writers never once meet their agent in person, handling all their business on the phone, by mail, and in email!.

In fact, agents who are not near the heart of the publishing industry in New York may not have the connections that a good agent needs!. (Some make and maintain those connections from a distance, but the majority of non-NY agents do not!.) Agents schmooze with other agents and with people in publishing, and those relationships can account for manuscripts reaching and being read by those who ultimately buy them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You absolutely DO NOT need to be near your agent, but you do need to avoid scam artists!. I would recommend doing a ton of research before you even THINK about querying an agent!. You might want to check out this site!.!.!.


They say you don't need to be close!.!.!. that you can correspond through email and snail mail etc!. However!.!.!. I've been trying to get my novels published for 3 years, but no luck!. I might be moving to New York soon!. Let's see if I have more success!.!.!. (I'm hoping!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately not!. With the advent of modern technology such as the internet, it doesn't matter where in the world you live and work, evrything is available to everyone at the touch of a keyboardWww@QuestionHome@Com