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Question: Title please!?
Girl genius who is in college early (like @ 15yrs old!.)!. Her r!.a!. got her to hack the government's database!. The FBI comes and arrests her, but it turns out it was all a set-up!. They take her to a "camp" where she, along with kids who have different amazing talents, is trained as a spy!. She then travels to some unnamed baltic country where she pretends to be a model and attends a model school of this really old, creepy guy in order to get information from him!. He figures out she's a spy and she, along with her team members, just barely manage to get the information and save a captive guy (her r!.a!.'s tech-genius father) before heading home!. It is the first in a series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's called Model Spy and the series is The Specialists!.
From amazon!.com:
Book Description
Teen genius Kelly James is in a lot of hot water!. A whiz with computers, she agreed to help her college rA, David, uncover some top-secret information!. After all, she doesn’t have many friends and David has always been nice to her!. it doesn’t hurt that he’s supercute and irresistible, too!. All she has to do is hack into the government’s main computer system!. but a few hours later, her whole life changes!. she is caught and taken in for questioning, only this isn’t your run-of-the-mill arrest!. rather than serve a juvenile detention sentence, she accepts the option to change her name and enlist in a secret government spy agency that trains teen agents to go undercover!. As if that wasn’t overwhelming enough, she discovers that David works for this agency as well! And before she even begins to understand what is going on, she’s sent on her first mission as an undercover model!. And who better to partner with than David himself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe, "Spy Genius"!? Or use something that has to do with the mission, why and what she is trying to get what kind of information from this old man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com