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Question: If you could build your dream library!.!.!.!?
Describe it!.
What would it look like!?
What kind of books would it have!?
Would it be private in your home or public!?
What books would you put on your "favorites" shelf!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If I could build my dream library it would be like the beast's library from beauty and the beast! It would have shelves upon shelves of books, it would be quite big, and would surround all 4 walls of the room, there would be a ladder on wheels that u could move around!. It would have any book I had ever read or wanted to read!. It would have some cool lights, maybe a rug and a comfy chair, it would be private at my house!. On my favourites shelf would be my harry potter collection, twilight series, and all of my rl stine books, my mystery books and shopoholic books by sophie kinsellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

well if i could have my own library in my own house!.!.!.

it would be upstairs, with red walls and lovely oak bookshelves that cover the whole walls!. the room would be shaped like a protracter, with the curved wall holding the books!.
id have all my books, and in categorical order!.!.!.

id have thick leather chairs, big sofas, rugs and a desk in the centre

id also hav the bang and olufsen installed for when i just wanted to write and listen to music!.!.!.

itd only be for me and my family, although i would let others visit!.!.!.
on my favourites id probably put the classic harry potter, catalyst, the bluest eye and some more

ive kept my early childhood books as well - and i intend on displaying them on the shelf too :)

if only!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Omg, I LOVE your question : )
I actually have drawn out my future library!.

Okay, my library would have a huge dome roof, with lots of glass openings so in the morning/afternoon I would have sunlight as my source to see!. There would be a ladder 13 feet tall and hardcover books only--covering every available space!.

And there would be an armchair!. A big, red comfy one placed directly in front of a large window overlooking my pond!.!.!.
My most favorite books would be placed inside a 19th century display box and there would be one huge oak desk against the back wall, covered with book and notebooks and pens and thousands of my unfinished ideas!.!.!.

Yahh!.!.!.!. : DWww@QuestionHome@Com

It would probably be in my own home, but I wouldn't mind making a public library - I love sharing books, and I'm studying to be a librarian anyway!. I don't know what it would look like outside, but inside it would have lots of comfy chairs to sit in, and real wood shelves for the books!. I would put photos of my favorite authors (signed if possible) and classic/famous authors on the walls!. My Favorites/Recommendations shelf would include Clive Cussler, James Michener, Shakespeare, Christopher Moore, Terry Pratchett, Stephen King, and Carl Hiaasen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mine would be private, with mahogany shelves and a mahogany desk, complete with a brand new computer to house my writing!. It would have a high, domed ceiling and a huge bay window overlooking the mountains, with whispy white curtains to let the light in!. I'd have a comfy, dark brown, leather sofa and two matching armchairs in front of it!.

As for books, I'd probably dedicate and entire shelf to as many on Greek/Roman mythology as I could get my hands on, lol!. Then one for the old classics; Pride and Prejudice, To Kill A Mockingbird, Sherlock Holmes, Black Beauty, etc!. And another shelf for the more modern classics like Harry Potter and just about anything be Stephen King!.

It would definitly be well-orgaized, I can tell you that much, lol!.

It would have lots of old, tatty books that I have read THOUSANDS of times!. I'm a big fan of picking up second hand books!.

It would have thrillers, fantasy novels, teenage fiction, chick lit, lots of different genres really!.

My all-time dream is to open a coffee shop with shelves of second hand books for sale lining the walls, so I guess it would be public!.

My favourites shelf would have Agatha Christie's works, Malcom Rose books, the Harry Potter series and The Diary of Adrian Mole!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My library would have 20 foot ceiling in it!. The bookshelves would line two walls that meet in one corner and like yours have a sliding ladder!. The shelves would be built into the walls!. I'd have many recessed lights to spotlight the books and yet provide warm cosy lighting for the room!. One wall would have two large windows with curtains and a French door between that opens onto my small garden area with an outdoors table and chair for beautiful days outdoor reading!.
The curtains in the room would be a teal color that looks pretty with a darker teal rug in the room and wooden floors!.

The fourth wall would have the room door and a desk on the wall for study!. My laptop computer would be there, with a good lamp and a few good pictures clustered on the wall - probably outdoor scenes from Colorado mountains!. My husband's matching desk will be on this wall also!.

I'd have a long, sturdy and comfortable couch with lots of pillows and throws for reading and occasional naps and at least two rocking recliners for reading with my husband and/or a friend!.

Realistically my books won't be elegant looking but there will be many, many books - old friends with wrinkles like mine!. I will have sections for Science fiction, Mysteries, Romances, Non-Fiction, Faith and Spirituality, Children's, and a wonderful miscellaneous section!.

This room will be a sanctuary for reading, study and reflection and meditation on important things and for building my relationship with God!. My library will be a place of good conversations with God, family and friends!.

My favorites Shelf will have Books By JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Georgette Heyer, LM Montgomery and Madeleine L'Engle, Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, Zenna Henderson,

Thanks for asking this question!. I had such fun building my library!.

I forgot to mention it, but I would have a well-worn Bible in a place of honor!. Without Jesus Christ, I would have committed suicide in my late teens and never been blessed to read half the great books I've read in my life!. He's been writing the story of my life now with me for 37 years and He's the author and finisher of my faith!.

PS My library would not be public, I'm not that outgoing, but it will be open to friends and anyone who did come into my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com