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Question: The Gift of the Magi by O!. Henry!?
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1!. What is Della doing at the beginning of the story and why!?

2!. The story begins on Christmas Eve!. Why is this aspect of the setting so important to the story!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. She counting the money ($1!.87 cents) and crying about how little it is!.
2!. Christmas Eve is important because it is the last day before Christmas!. She does not have time to save more money!. It is also the season of giving and she feels she has very little to give to Jim who she want to give so much!. That's why she cuts her hair and gives him a gift from her heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Not to sure what you mean by that!.

2!. It is important because they didn't have the money to buy each other gifts, but wanted to get them something special!. Thats why Della sold her hair and her husband sold his watch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com