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Position:Home>Books & Authors> OKay i like to read before i go to bed but i finished my book today....any ideas

Question: OKay i like to read before i go to bed but i finished my book today!.!.!.!.any ideas!?
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It should help you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok i read the house f night seires in like one day (1200 pages) but they were like completely A-MAZE-ING! and i tottaly think you should read them

-the host

-twilight series

-uglies series

-sarah dessan books(auther)

-mortal instruments

-chronicles of narnia series

-blood and chocolate

-naughts and crosses

by the way these are from besty to worst even though they are all REALLY good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

robert b!. parker, john grisham, j!.a!. jance, erica spindlar, diana palmer, debbie macomber, nora roberts, ruth langan, victoria holt!. holt also writes as phillipa carr and jean plaidyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Walter the Farting Dog
Walter the Farting Dog: Trouble at the Yard Sale
Walter the Farting Dog goes on a Cruise

For more advanced reading:
Walter the Farting Dog Farts Again
Rough Weather Ahead for Walter the Farting Dog
Walter The Farting Dog: Banned From the Beach

Walter, Canis InflatusWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it depends on what genre you like, but for
Sci-fi- The Uglies series by Scott Westerfield
Fantasy- Beka Cooper by Tamora Pierce
Romance- Rumors

=D- Hope this helped--I'm a Polka Dot Mushroom!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends what you like to read, personally i would suggest The Age of Innocence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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