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Question: Breaking Dawn FINALE!?
my friend told me that Edward was going to be killed and that bellla would then kill herself!. If anyone knows what happens to jacob and nothing else, please tell me!. Thanks, i appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I hope Edward does somthing ,I want Jacob to win bella!!!
why!?because hes just like 16 or somtihng and we all know that if edward where human(not all cute nad stuff)she'd most likely be with Jacob!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please don't listen to or spread these rumours!. No one knows what will happen in Breaking Dawn except Stephenie Meyer, her editor and her publisher!.
And besides, even if it was true (which it is not), then why spoil the surprise of Breaking Dawn for anxious readers, or make them believe something that is not true, or worse, something that is true!?
People who spread these rumours--true or not--should realize that Stephenie Meyer intended Breaking Dawn to be read on August 2nd when everyone in the world is allowed to read it, and be surprised by it, and enjoy it for what it is worth!.
I am not saying that you are one of these people, but I would just like to remind everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WHAT!? Edward cant die I LOOOOOOOOOVE Him!!!!!!!!
I do have a sad and uncomfortable feeling that something will happen to Jacob (sniffle, I like him 2) but EDWARD AND BELLA CANNOT DIE!.!.!.EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stephenie said so AND she just isn't that eevil!. I mean I would lock myself in my room and cry!. So would a TON other people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, Stephenie meyer said that edward and bella are here to stay!. Alice and jasper too!. but she didn't say anything about rosalie or emmett!. hmmm!.!.!.
but i hope no one dies in the book!. but sadly, i have a feeling that someone will!. hopefully a minor character!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uhh, I don't think your friend is right!. I mean, no one knows for certain yet!. The books don't come out till August 2!. It MIGHT be true, but who knows!? It's probably just a rumor!.


haha, no!.
please don't believe any of the rumors out there, because most of them are just that, rumors!. just wait for the book to come out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

meyer has said she's writing a spin off series about edward!.!.!.she could hardly write it if edward died!.
its just like harry potter/!.!.!.!.dont believe the hype till you turn that last pageWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is just a rumor, no one knows what happens to anyone yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is no such thing as books/movies with sad endings in America! -lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

rumor!. go to stephenie meyer's website!. it tells u thereWww@QuestionHome@Com