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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How/where do you find the character quiz that's advertised on the back of th

Question: How/where do you find the character quiz that's advertised on the back of the clique books and!.!.!.!?
supposed to be on the Lisi Harrison/The Clique book series website!? I went to lisiharrison!.net (where's it's supposed to be) and I couldn't find it!. Does anyone have a link!?

10 points to anyone that can find it for me!.

btw, it's the one that judges you on what character you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That quiz is now found in Harrison's 'Blah-g!.' All you have to do is scroll down a bit, to where you see 'r u!?' and the multiple choice questions!.

The quiz used to be in the magazine (seen by just scrolling down the 'cover' of the one called Poppy, lower left on the magazines page, but my computer tells me that page isn't available)!.
You can try that, but after a further look around, I now see it in the blah-g, under info on the movie, another video entry, then the quiz about which character you 'are!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

That character quiz advertised at the back of the Clique books was before Lisi's website have been redone!.

I found a few other ones:

That one is a scan from one of the books!. I think it's It's Not Easy Being Mean, if not, it's Sealed With A Diss!.

There is a new one that Lisi made!. Though, that one is only Alicia, Dylan, Kristen or "Yourself"!.

I remember there was another one that Lisi made on Quizilla!.com, but I can't seem to find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know the link but i think ive done tha quiz before!. Are you sure you typed the website in right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com