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Question: Can you post your books on the internet!?
I write childrens books but i am not a signed author,is there such a website where you can post your books on the internet for free!?/then get signed up to write childrens books!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are many options to post your work online!. My personal favorite is Writing!.com; I think to post something book-length you would need a basic membership rather than the free one, but it is reasonably priced and professional!.

Posting your work online is a double-edged sword!. On the one hand, you can get wonderful feedback that will really help you polish and tighten your writing to the best it can be!. On the other hand, many publishers will want first rights, which you will have likely already used!.

Despite what we all hope, most publishers do not spend time scouring the internet for potential books!. The BEST way to get your work published is to research the market and send copies of your manuscript to publishers!. You could also include a link to your online stories, but they will want to have a hard copy in front of them to read!.

Good luck with your writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could make your own site and post the books there
or you could sell them on ebay if you want to make a website i can help you im me and ill give you my msnWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you don't want to make your own website!.!.!.it's better if you'll just post it on EBAY!.Www@QuestionHome@Com