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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know anything about the reason why Roque Dalton was killed?

Question: Does anyone know anything about the reason why Roque Dalton was killed!?
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As you may know, the best well known version of Dalton’s death is the one the Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo published just after revealing “the execution” of the poet in 1975: “he was an infiltrated member of the CIA”… and this version has since circulated in various books and articles (I'm assuming you have read the Wikipedia version, for example)!.

However, it has not been until the very recent publication of articles such as “La muerte de un poeta” by Geovani Galeas, that the story behind Dalton’s death has started to make sense!. See (if you read Spanish) this series of articles: http://poetastrabajando!.com/galeas!.html

The most important of all these recent articles, in my view, is the one published by the Salvadorean writer Miguel Huezo Mixco, (again in Spanish) in which – for the first time ever- details of Dalton’s last movements in Havana are revealed!. Reading this, perhaps, may help you understand why Dalton did not fit well in the uneasy environment created by Alejandro Rivas Mira and Joaquín Villalobos on his return to El Salvador from Cuba in 1975!. The article is called: una historia prohibida de Roque Dalton: http://members!.tripod!.com/~daltonicos/re!.!.!.
Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try this: tlaxcala!.es and look for TLAXCALA: Roque Dalton: todavia un silencio complice
If you can read Spanish, this is an interview by Omar de Barros Filho, with Ana Guadalupe Martinez, a leader of the ERP (Ejercito Revolucionario del Pueblo, or People's Revolutionary Army), which was one of the military part of the FMLN!. She was part of the process where Dalton was condemned as a traitor by his Communist comrades and sentenced to be killed!.
This happened in 1975, a very difficult and violent period in the history of El Salvador!. The country was completely divided and great atrocities were being committed, particularly by the right-wing forces!. Another horrible murder took place a few years after Dalton's death, that of Bishop Romero, attributed to Roberto D'Aubisson and his infamous death squads!.
Roque Dalton, one of Latin America's greatest poets, was caught in those confusing times, and falsely accused of being a CIA agent!. It was part of a continuous effort to discredit prominent figures who had earned international respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Roque Dalton!. !. !. !.poet and revolutionary!. !. !. !.

Roque Dalton: Poet and RevolutionaryA scarce twenty years after his tragic, senseless death, the complex facts of Roque Dalton's life have been overlaid — or in many cases clarified and !.!.!.

Poets!.org - Poetry, Poems, Bios & More - Roque DaltonProvides a detailed biography and links for the late El Salvador-born poet!.

Laura in El Salvador: Roque Dalton - Besides being Mothers Day on May 10th, it was also the 33rd anniversay of the death of Salvadoran poet Roque Dalton!. I went to a concert in the Centro to !.!.!.

Nina Serrano: Memories of Rogue Dalton - 2 Jul 2007 !.!.!. I first met Roque Dalton in Havana in July of 1968!. !.!.!. He introduced himself and said his name was Roque Dalton, a Salvadoran poet!. !.!.!.

Although I did not know the answer, I was drawn to this most interesting question with enjoyable answers!. I was married to a supposedly (I suspected romanticism) very distant descendant of the Dalton gang and so the name attracted me!. I'm glad it did because this is what this site is all about, passing on and gaining knowledge, it works!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just had a look on wikipedia, there's a good account on here!.