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Question: Odd question, but please help! Easy 10 pts for most helpful answer!!!!?
So, this is just for my story!. I'm not sure if I would ever even use this information, but it would be nice to have for future reference!. Getting technical with mythical creatures, what:


would a fairy be in!? If you only have an idea about one, two, three, etc, that's fine with me!. Muchos Gracias for any help!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fairies are supposed to be small humanoids with wings, right!? There are a lot of different types of fairy in mythology, so if you had one of the more animalistic ones in mind the taxonomical classification would change!.

I'm certain of the following:
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia

And in my opinion it should continue with the following (fictitious) categories:
Order: Pteroprimates
Family: Pterohominidae
Genus: Homodobsonia
Species: praedasapiens

If you absolutely insist on using existing taxonomic categories, it would have to be
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: floresiensis

There is a fair amount of debate at the moment regarding Homo floresiensis, a race of small people who have been compared in popular media to hobbits!. (The hobbit reference is scorned by most anthropologists!.) If you wanted to refer to the scientific origin of fairies in your book, you could say that they're related to Homo floresiensis!.

Below is an explanation of the fake classifications that I chose!.

Order Pteroprimates: a mixture of Primates and Chiroptera!.
Chiroptera are bats, which would explain the wings!. Fairy wings are usually depicted as insect-like things, but bat wings are close enough!. Unfortunately it would be very hard to classify the family, genus and species of fairies in comparison to bats!. So I combined the two!.

Family Pterohominidae: mixture of Pteropodidae and Hominidae!.
The Hominidae is clearly from humans!. Pteropodidae is a family of large bats!. It makes more sense for them to be large, since at some point their ancestors and our ancestors had to breed (what a thought!)

Genus Homodobsonia: Mixture of Dobsonia and Homo!.
I chose Dobsonia because 'bare-backed fruit bat' seemed to fit!. We don't want hairy fairies, and don't the fey in fairy tales seem to like fruit!? This one also has some species that live in Europe, which is the traditional fairy location!. Again, Homo for humans!.

Species praedasapiens: praedatrix and sapiens
praedatrix is a species of Dobsonia that lives in Europe!. I also thought it went well with the traditional predatory nature of fairies!. Again, sapiens for human!.

Feel free to email me if you want more or different information, I'd be glad to discuss such an interesting concept!.
**Edit: I also think I should mention that Fairies, as a species, would make more sense to me as insects whose outer appearance mimicked humans with wings!. The fact is that insects have 6 arms/legs, and mammals in general have only 4!. Mammals with wings have them instead of arms, as do birds!. If fairies are supposed to have wings AND arms AND legs, it would make sense for them to be insects instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Kingdom: Animalia (multicellular)
Phylum: Chordota (Spinal cord)
Class: Tetrapoda (Four-Limbs)
Order: Primates-Diptera (High level of Intelligence/Two-Winged
Family: Hominidae (Walk Upright)
Genus: Homo (Human)
Species: H!. Sapiens (Modern human)


I took a few liberties, some subtle, some not so much!.!.!.but adding the mystical/occult characteristics of the fairy!.!. I'll leave to you!.!.!.check source for original info!.!.and source!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are supposed ("The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet) to be four Elemental Kingdoms!.
One of these is the Kingdom of the Sylphs, or winged air creatures called fairies!.
There are said to be several families of Fairies, i!.e!., those who live in woodlands, on prairies, and so forth!.
Ann Ree Colton's "Watch Your Dreams" and O!. M!. Aivanhov's "The Living Book of Nature" are also helpful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



here these websites might help
sry couldnt help more
good luck :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

surely they would be a mammal, like a bat, a mammal with wings!.!.!.!. presuming that they are biologically the same as humans otherwise!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are a species!Www@QuestionHome@Com

im srry but what!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com