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Question: Why did the man walk away from everything and everyone he loved!?
Need story idea(s) on a short story premise I have come up,

Why did the man walk away from everything and everyone he loved!?<= that is the basic story premise I have come up with, need to involve a great story with it and I'm blocked!.

Need to involve an older (in his lat 30's early 40's) private hermit like guy with tattoos & a pissy attitude, very into motorcycles who doesn't trust anyone easily and his paths cross with someone or something that makes him not walk away from something or someone ever again!.!.!.!.!.

Looking for a story idea that involves ordinary folks in very dire odd extraordinary circumstances!.!.!.!.

I would appreciate any help you guys could answer me with!. Thanks a big bunch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because of his inner guilt -- maybe years ago he accidentally caused the death of someone he loved and he never got over it!. The only thing he can relate to that doesn't cause him pain is motorcycles!. He shuns other people because he doesn't want to get attached to them, maybe even love them, because he's afraid that he might let them down like he let down that other person long ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you are creating a book/novel about an exact realistic guy then he walked away because!.!.!.maybe the man's girl friend or something went to another guy and he really loved it or her!.!.!.he should let her or it go!.!.!.and somehow maybe inthe end!.!.!.he or it came back to him!.!.!.lol I'm not sure!.!.!.I am also working on a story only its a novel!.!.!.I feel really good about doing this not because of the fame!.glory or riches!.!.!.!.!Because it inspires me to write!.!.!.!!!
Glad for the help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For inspiration read The Good Guy by Dean Koontz!. It is about a regular guy who gets mixed up in a murder plot!. He does the right thing in trying to save the lady in trouble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe he could have a passion for something like painting or writing or something!. Then because of some reason he walked away from his hobby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um he walked away because he had an afire!.!. or though he was screwing up the people he loved lives!.!.!? and the pissy guy could be his schizophrenic brother or something!.!. i don't actually know, but it sounds like a good storyline!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

blackmail!? just doing what the hermit guy wants to save his familyWww@QuestionHome@Com