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Question: Favorite Dean Koontz book(s)!?
I love Odd Thomas and I enjoyed Tick tock very much!.What are your favorites!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really enjoyed the Odd Thomas series!. Some others of his that I would consider among my favorites include:
-Christopher Snow series (Seize the Night and Fear Nothing; love the main character whose humor and humility are as strong as Odd Thomas')
-From the Corner of His Eye (so many layers; amazing story)
-Watchers (What a dog!)
-The Face (very unusual)
-The Darkest Evening of the Year (very interesting twist)

I've enjoyed a bunch of others, but those are some that really stayed with me!. (The Taking is a great apocalyptic tale, for horror Phantoms is the one, for unusual time travel: Lightning, for another great character: Life Expectancy!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Intensity is my favorite!. Edgler Foreman Vess was the scariest villian in all of Koontz' novels!.

also, I loved all the Odd Thomas Books!.!.!.!.Brother Odd being my favorite!.

The Darkest Evening of the Year
The Husband
Dragon Tears
The Face
Sole Survivors
The Servants of Twillight
False Memory

are all among my favorites as well!.

I havent read Tick Tock yet!. But I am looking forward to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Odd Thomas series is good!.!.!.I guess I'd have to choose that!.
I just started "The Taking" the other day, and it looks like it's going to be good, but I'm not far enough into it to judge at this point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Odd Thomas is my favorite! The first one was just so sad!

But I also really like The Taking, even thought it is VERY weird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com