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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What does it mean the chorus of this song ? Maria Magdalena by Sandra(German sin

Question: What does it mean the chorus of this song !? Maria Magdalena by Sandra(German singer)!?
I 'll never be Your Maria Magdalena
You're a criature of the night
I'll never be your Maria Magdalena
You're a victim of the fight

What's your interpretation !?

I'll never be your Maria Magdalena = your prostitute !?
Why not !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Given the second line of "You're a creature of the night" I would guess that your interpritation of a prostitute is correct!. The other option is that the singer is saying I will not be your lover who will follow you anywhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It says that Marie Magdalena was this girl who took tae kwon do, and was super amazing!

So it means:
I'll never be an amazing tae kwon do-er

It means that Marie Magdalena was like some sort of idol or something, she was like a super hero!. So the singer says that she'll never be "your" super hero!. I can't interpret the "victim of the night" part though!. Sorry!

P!.S!. its "creature" not "criature"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maria Magdalena in the Bible (New Testament) was converted to being a righteous woman!. I interpret it as meaning that she won't be a loose woman any longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com