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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who else is obsessed with harry potter??!! i loveee it...which book out of the 7

Question: Who else is obsessed with harry potter!?!?!! i loveee it!.!.!.which book out of the 7 is ur fav!?
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very obsessed- i have them all on audio books :p
ooooo i liked them all!. my favourites are the last two though because we were finally getting to the bottom of everything! the whole horcrux idea is genius!

i liked the fact that in the final book the difference between good and evil is somewhat blurred!. Characters seen as being evil in the other books are given a humanity - such as kreecher- he was merely beingl loyal to those who were kind to him - the gryffindors who were expected to be morally superior were cruel to kreecher and they paid for it!. also malfoy is shown as being a vulnerable child more in the last 2 books!. The of course, more importantly is snape! he was a sweeti after all!. he was bullied, and he loved harrys mom!. and then there was regulas black- he was slyherin but went against voldermort n loved a house elf!.

Dumbledore too is humanised!. he dies and isnt after all invincible- also he went astry in his youth!.

on the hole i just feel that you get to know the characters a whole lot more on a deeper level!. and i curse those who say harry pottr does not deserve the title of classic! lol

I an definitely obsessed I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!. other than 7th book my favorite is the 6th because that's when you find out really how everything came to be and about the prophecy about harry and there is so much happening all at once it just awesome and you learn about snape and etc!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
I love Harry potter =) =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obsessed!? No I wouldn't call myself obsessed !. !. !. (screams
when seeing a Harry Potter book!.)

I really can't pick a favourite out of the seven! They're all so awesome and beautiful written!

(Screams again when seeing another Harry Potter book) xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

I;m not QUITE obsessed with it, but i love it, the movies rock too! I like the first book, it's when Harry finds out what happened to him and he defeats Voldy for the first time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am obsessed with Harry Potter!. Professional help has been suggested :D

Out of the seven, I'd have to say it is a tie between GoF and HBP for favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

#3 is the best!.

What would make you think I'm obsessed!?


Or my name!?


I am!.
Deathly Hallows if my favourite because it ties up all the loose ends left fromt he other books!.
It's so amazing!. I can't wait for the HBP film = ]Www@QuestionHome@Com

The seventh one is the best (in my opinion, anyway!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love all the books and I love HP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not obsessed (I used to be) but the 3rd book is my favorite (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love hp =]

order of the pheonix is my favWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like 3 and 4 the best!.

i have never read or sean it and do not wish to do that as well!!!! !Www@QuestionHome@Com