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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Any reccomendatios for good books :)?

Question: Any reccomendatios for good books :)!?
i've read
twilight series (best in the world)
maximum ride series
uglies series!.!.
what would be close to as good as these or even better :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
-vampire kisses series(vampire kisses 1,2,3,4,5) by ellen schreiber
-aimee by mary beth miller
-house of night series(marked,betrayed,chosen) by p!.c!. and kristin cast
-the boy who couldnt die by william sleator
-ttyl series(ttyl,ttfn,l8rg8r) by lauren myracle
-uninvited by amanda marrone
-unleashed by kristopher reisz
-sarah dessen's books (lock and key,just listen,this lullaby,the truth about forever,that summer,someone like you,keeping the moon,dreamland)
-blue is for nightmares series(blue is for nightmares,white is for magic,silver is for secrets,red is for remembrance) by laurie faria stolarz
-bleed by laurie faria stolarz

i strongly suggest you read vampire kisses series and house of night series,they are AMAZING,
but thats my opinion and we all have different opinions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are some really good books that I've read and thoroughly enjoyed:

-the Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud*****
-the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Coffer*
-The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen(any book by her)
-Hawksong(series) by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes(any book by her)
-The Shannara series by Terry Brooks*****
-Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
-Watership Down by Richard Adams
-Great Expectations by Charles Dickens*
-Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter
-The Counte of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas*
-The Princess Bride by William Goldman*
-Discworld series by Terry Pratchet*****

*s are the ones I really REALLY recommend for anyone to read, and the ones with five *s are the best books I've ever read in my life!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read all of them, but I find that I got a bit tired of them after a while and needed better reading!. If you want to keep these type of books try Vampire Kisses, Gossip Girl, or random books in the teen section of your local bookstore!. If you wanted a little more of a challenge try Naked by David Sedaris its hilarious, and you can easily make conncetions to people you know!. Another optioon, is to go into a store like Barnes & Noble and tey should esily be able to make a good choic efor you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you liked twilight, check out Amelia Atwater-Rhodes!. She does several books on vampires and shape changers!.

also Blood and Chocolate(the book not the movie) is great for werewolves!. As well as The Silver Wolf by Alice Borchardt [the sister of Ann Rice]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Marked - P!.C!. & Kristin Cast
The Vampire Diaries - L!. J!. Smith
Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
Lord of the Rings trilogy - J!. R!. R!. Tolkien
Eragon & series - Christopher Paolini
The Sight & series - David Clement Davies
Dracula - Bram StrokerWww@QuestionHome@Com

ok first of all i dont think they're are or can be any books better den the twilight series lol
but all Sarah Dessen books are good
and the Perry Sky Series are pretty good
oh and Hip Hop High School is pretty good to inspiringWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know a good bookreviewing site!. It's mostly vampire books but it has some romance novels as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pretty little liars seris and another good book is leaving paradise!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Gemma Doyle Trilogy:
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Rebel Angels
The Sweet Far ThingWww@QuestionHome@Com

there's this new book i read its called pretty little liars its very good it has 4 books in the series!. Ive read all the books you listed tooWww@QuestionHome@Com
