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Question: Dean Koontz "Maximum Ride" series and James Patterson - Who ripped off who!?
So I have been hearing about this Maximum Ride series and I KNEW that I hadn't read it but it kept sounding familiar to me!.

Turns out it is very similar to a book by James Patterson I read called "The Lake House" which is actually a sequel to "When The Wind Blows"

Max (short for Maximillian) and her five part bird siblings are menaced by the mad scientist who runs the vile laboratory known as "the Hospital" but are helped by erstwhile narrator Frannie and Kit!.

Isn't that pretty close to what Maximum ride is about!? Even with the main bird/person hybrid being named Max (short for Maximum)!?!?!?

Has anyone read both series!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Patterson didn't write two series!.

"When the Wind Blows" and "The Lake House" were written for adult readers!. The focus of these novels is different!. It isn't truly a series because it's only 2 books!.

"Maximum Ride" was written specifically to appeal to the teen market!. The focus of the stories is quite different than in the 2 adult novels!. You get a different perspective on the children and their abilities and the "bad guys" simply because these stories come from a different mind-set!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure what you mean!. The Maximum Ride series was written by James Patterson, not Dean Koontz!.

Dean Koontz wrote the Odd Thomas series, which is nothing AT ALL like James Patterson's Maximum Ride series!.

Is there another author - and not Dean Koontz - whose books you mean!? Do you mean Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider series, perhaps!? I haven't read it, but I know he began writing that one before James Patterson began his Maximum Ride series!. Whatever author and series you do mean, you can check at the site I provided below!. (I hope that helps!.)

BTW: This site http://www!.fantasticfiction!.co!.uk/p/jame!.!.!. has lists of various authors' books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately, James Patterson has been ripping himself off for a decade now!. He ran out of ideas when he first stopped his Alex Cross series, and now he just re-hashes his story and character outlines once a year or so!.

Truly a shame!. He was almost a John Sandford, but he just ran out of gas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com