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Question: ZOMGAHHH Team Jacob or Team!?
You know, the story from the Bible!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ok first of all, to all the people who are so stuck on twilight and cant read the question right, this is about a story in the bible, Genesis 25:23, about twins Esau and Jacob!. Jacob made a deal with his brother to give him his as first-born rights, and then tricked his father into giving him a blessing meant for Esau because his mother told him to so Esau wanted revenge!.

id have to say Jacob cause he was just going as his mom advised him and because God blessed him and stuff!. and Esau was kinda dumb to fall for his brothers deal, and he liked hunting a lot, and he planned to kill his brotherWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is hard! I like to put it as Bella said: She loves Jacob alot but she just loves Edward more!. I do like Jacob, but everytime i start to really like him he goes and kisses the protagonist or puts her secret motorcycle in her fathers driveway!.

Sorry Jake! I'm with the VampriresWww@QuestionHome@Com

OMG that was hilarious i hate Twilight (you might know me as Eco-dancer) so i was just gonna write, "i thought you hated Twilight too!?" Or i was gonna write "Team Twilight Sucks" It really does!.

=D-Hope I helped- I'm a Polka Dot Mushroom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol Twilight is so cheesy!.!.!. Someone needs to realize that people don't talk like that at all!. It's corny!.

Wait a second!.!.!. Do I know you!? I swear I remember you from somewhere!.!.!. Unless that's someone else in your profile pic!.!.!. then I know them!.!.!. Oh well!. Small world I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Team Samson!. He killed an entire army with nothing but a Donkey Jaw!. I would like to see the twins do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ahaha jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

haha, good one

in this case team jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gosh, i totally love both

TEAM SWITZERLAND! as Bella would say it : DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Team I'm-Agnostic!.

Nice question!.

