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Question: Reccomendations for Young Adult Novels!?
I'm looking for some summer reading!. I'm an 18 yr old girl who has read a ton of Nora Roberts novels!. I am looking for novels that aren't too teenage-ish but not so adult that all the characters are a good 30+ yrs older than myself!

Romance is always nice, as is comedy and a little suspense/mystery!.

Please don't recoment the twlight series or any of the other vampire/sci-fci genres because I really really don't like thoseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm currently reading The Last Summer (Of You and Me) by Ann Brashares!. It is a good book so far, and the characters are in their twenties, so it is easy to relate to them!.

Another book I enjoyed was Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin!. The characters are older, but it is still an awesome book that I would recommend to anyone!.

Definitely check out Pride and Prejudice if you haven't already because it is the best book in the world and just a classic, and a romance!

Some others you may like are:
Sophie Kinsella-Remember Me!?, The Shopaholic Series, Can You Keep A Secret!?, The Undomestic Goddess

Meg Cabot-Size 12 Is Not Fat, All-American Girl, Airhead

Ann Brashares-The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series

Cathy Kelly-Just Between Us

John Green-Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines

Maureen Johnson-13 Little Blue Envelopes

Lauren Weisberger-The Devil Wears Prada

also, check out Sarah Dessen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Gossip Girl series are really good books, as are the Eragon books!. Small Steps is by the same author who wrote Holes, if you've heard of it, so both of those are great books, though I prefer Small Steps!. As someone said above, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books are really good, as is Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes!. You also might try The 5 People you Meet in Heaven!. Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr is one of my favorites!. The Inkheart series are enjoyable books, though I found them difficult to get into!.

And I really don't mean to be pushy at all, but even if you don't like vampire/sci fi books, you might enjoy the Twilight series!. Many of my friends have said that, and then liked them!. But, of course, its up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ann Brashare's Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and her other novel, The Last Summer (Of you and Me)
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
James Patterson
The Truth About Forever, This Lullaby, Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
People of the Book, Geraldine Brooks
I love all Meg Cabot books, except Airhead (too childish)
The China Garden was lovely, Liz Barry
And of course, reading classics like Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, and Jane Austen is all good

Hope that helps you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series

1!. Twilight
2!. New Moon
3!. Eclipse
4!. Breaking Dawn (coming out August)

excellent series! a must read! you'll fall in love with the characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe Shopgirl by Steve Martin (the comedian) would be a transition!. The main character is in her twenties, but it really is about adult life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Artemis Fowl" by Eoin ColferWww@QuestionHome@Com

try agatha christie!.!.!.she writes really suspenseful murder mysteriesWww@QuestionHome@Com