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Question: Trying to find a book- any help is apperciated!?
The story in detail is:

It's summer vacation, and a family (a mom, dad, brother and sister) has taken their usual trip to the same beach town they go to every summer!. While napping one afternoon, the daughter disappears!. Panic ensues when she cannot be found!. The brother believes he knows who did it (he thinks it must have been the owners of the local ice cream parlor who took her, as they have recently closed)!. So, once he and his family return home, he and his best friend take off on a journey to try and get his sister back!. At the end of the book, we find that the ice cream shop owners had kidnapped her!.

If anybody can tell me a title or author, I would be thrilled!. Anything helps!. Thank you for any help or suggestions you might have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try checking it out at www!.whatsthatbook!.com!. I've heard it's a really helpful site!.

Hope you find what you're looking for!Www@QuestionHome@Com