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Question: Dean Koontz Fans!.!.!.can you help!?
Its my son's birthday at the end of the month and he likes Dean Koontz, I know he has read Velocity, Mr Murder, and The Husband!.

I would like to get him a novel but not sure which to get, can you reccomend one that you really enjoyed reading and he might like to read too!?

Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love Dean Koontz! Here's a list of my fave novels by him:

Fear Nothing**
Seize the Night**
Odd Thomas series**
The Darkest Night of the Year
Winter Moon
False Memory
The Face
By the light of the moon
From the corner of his eye
Cold Fire
The Servants of Twilight
Door to December

I know its a long list, but trust me, they are all wonderful books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would absolutely recommend 'Watchers', which is my favourite Koontz!. It's creepy and disturbing but also quite warm and sweet in places!.

Another of my favourites is 'Sole Survivor', which was the first Koontz book I read!.
I also really like 'TickTock', 'Midnight', 'Fear Nothing', 'Seize the Night' and the 'Odd Thomas' series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would recommend Watchers and Odd Thomas!.

Watchers is a sci-fi/adventure type book about a super-smart dog on the run from the lab that created him and the genetically altered beast chasing him down!.

Odd Thomas is a very endearing young man with an interesting ability - he can see the lingering spirits of the recently dead (and Elvis)!. He tries to help them so that they can move on to the next world!. He can also see when evil events are about to happen and tries to prevent these!. The story is told with plenty of humor and includes a beautiful love story (but not mushy or girly), some action and danger and a bit of sorrow!. This is an excellent story that I would highly recommend to anyone!. This book is followed by Forever Odd, Brother Odd and Odd Hours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd highly recommend Watchers, my all time favorite Koontz book!.

Gosh though, they're all good, Lightning, Servants of Twilight (as another answerer said-absolutely nothing to do with the currently popular twilight series), Phantoms, Whispers, Cold Fire!.

I could go on & on but I'm sure you get the picture that I'm a huge Koontz fan!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Phantoms is my favourite Dean Koontz novel, In fact its one of my favourite books!. But it is seriously scary!. I couldnt finish it on the first two attempts! (Dont bother with the film tho, its rubbish!) False Memory is also good!. But just today I finished The Good Guy and have to say I wasnt impressed : (Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me and my son enjoy Ian Rankin!. He is a very respected author, different genre to Koontz but very readable!.


There are sooo many - and I've never read a bad one!.
List here if it helps


i like dean koontz to - however if he likes these he may like richard laymon, ("island" is a good one)!.
i think laymon is better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of my favourites is Twilight Eyes (by Dean Koontz and nothing to do with the Twilight series!)!.
It's quite an old one, but it's a really clever story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favourite Dean Koontz is "Lightning"!. If he hasn't read it, he won't be disappointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh I love all of them!
A few of my favorites:
Odd Tomas books (series)
By The Light of the Moon
Tic Tock
Frankenstein (Books 1,2 the 3rd will come out some time)Www@QuestionHome@Com

lightning and Strangers were fantastic reads!.

You can't go wrong with KoontzWww@QuestionHome@Com

my first dean koontz book i read was lightning and it got me hooked straight awayWww@QuestionHome@Com