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Question: In 'The Raven' by Edgar Allen Poe!.!.!.!?
I have a few questions!. Firstly, what is 'Lenore'!?
"From my books surcreased of sorrow, sorrow for the lost Lenore!.
For the fair and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore!.
Nameless here, forever more!."
(Sorry, this is off by heart, I may have some things wrong!.)
also, what does it mean, when he asks what the raven's name is and he says "Tell me what thy lordly name is from the night's plutonian shore!" - What is plutonian shore!?
What does it mean when it says that the word nevermore is it's only stock and store, "caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disaster followed fast and follwed faster till his songs one burden bore, till the durges of his hope tht melancholy burden bore, of 'Never-Nevermore'
(Had to look up that part :P)
What does "She shall press, ah, nevermore!" mean!?
The whole paragraph of Seraphim, the air growing denser, nepenthe etc, is the most confusing to me!. It again mentions Lenore!.
"Is there- is there balm in gilead!?" what does this mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. "what is 'Lenore'!?"
Lenore is the name of the woman that the narrator loved!. She has recently died!. Poe actually wrote another poem titled Lenore and it's about her funeral!.
He mentions her as a maiden a couple times within the poem, I'm surprised you didn't catch that it was a name!. Try reading it again :)

2!. "What is plutonian shore!?"
This is a reference to the Greek/Roman god "pluto" who was the lord of the underworld!. "plutonian shore" most likely means the shores of the underworld!.

3!. "What does it mean when it says that the word nevermore is it's only stock and store,"
Not positive but I always interpreted it to mean that the narrator is trying to reason out how the bird could possibly know that word!. He's figuring the bird must have had a master who said that word and that's where the bird learned it!. It's all the bird knows, there is no other special knowledge the bird possesses!. That one word is "it's only stock and store" or the only thing it has that makes it different!.

4!. What does "She shall press, ah, nevermore!" mean!?
Look at the two lines before it - "On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamplight gloated o'er, But whose velvet violet lining with the lamplight gloating o'er, She shall press, ah, nevermore!"
Basically he's grieving so much that everything he mentions he relates to Lenore and how she'll never enjoy them anymore because she's dead!. He's talking about the cushion he's leaning his head on and says she'll never touch (press) the velvet violet lining of it ever again!.

5!. The whole paragraph of Seraphim, the air growing denser, nepenthe etc, is the most confusing to me!. It again mentions Lenore!.
Ok this bit is the narrator growing desperate and slightly crazed!. He can't understand why this bird is here and he's trying to reason it out!. First he thinks God must have sent the bird in order to help him forget his sorrow over Lenore!. Nepenthe is a drug or drink mentioned by ancient writers as having the power to bring forgetfulness of sorrow or trouble!.
Then, that not seeming plausible he swings the opposite direction saying the bird must have been sent from hell and is a devil here to taunt him and remove any illusions he may have had that Lenore is at rest!.

6!. "Is there- is there balm in gilead!?" what does this mean!?
Balm of Gilead traditionally is a healing compound!. I'm guessing he's just asking - is it possible to be healed from such great sorrow!?

7!. also, what is 'distant Aidenn'!?
I believe it's a reference to "Eden" or a place of peace and rest!. He's asking if it's possible that there's an afterlife where he'll once again be reunited with his love Lenore!.
"Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore — "

I hope that helped!.
I suggest you look the poem up on wikipedia or somewhere that can give you more background to the poem!.
It's quite a brilliant poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lenore is his dead wife or girlfriend!.
oh i used to have this one down to a t!.

I do beleive the "nights plutonian shore" is a description of the raven, where he is from!. After he gets mad with the bird he tells him to return there!. Nevermore is the birds only spoken words, he assumes his last owner was depressed!.

Nevermore is his only stock and store- thats all he says!. His last master was unhappy and said it a lot!.

She shall press!.!.!.-- Continue, ah never!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lenore is a woman's name, presumably a woman he loved who is now dead!.
The rest, just try and think about it =)Www@QuestionHome@Com


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