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Question: How does the 'twilight' book end!?
it'd be amazing if you could sum up the last few pages!.
i bought new moon a few days ago and i really wanna read
it but i can't remember how twilight ended!.

thank you! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you should just re-read the ending!. It's more entertaining, saves you five points, and keeps the Twilight-haters at bay!. They don't come at you with pitchforks, telling you how futile it is to read such dreafully boring and literature insulting works!.

But, in all basicness, Bella was tricked into meeting up with James at her old ballet studio in Phoneix because he supposedly had her mother!. He didn't!. It was a home video he used to bait her into going!. She got beat up and was out cold when Edward swooped in and saved her, leaving Emmett and Jasper to rip James apart and burn him to the ground, taking the entire dance studio with him!. He'd bitten Bela, but Edward sucked out the venom, reversing the beginning of the change!. Bella was in the hospital for a while under the cover story of falling down two flights of stairs and out a window in the hotel Edward, Alice and Carlisle were staying at!. In the end, Bella goes back to Forks with Edward, he tricks her into going with him to Prom, and promises he'll be there as long as its good for her!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha!.!.!.!. I just came on yahoo to ask the same question!. Well I went to the library too and they were all checked out:( But my friend had the book so it ended like this:

James tricked Bell into going into her ballet studio saying that he had her mom!. James bit Bella but Edward came in and saved her well his sibling burned James to death!. And then they went to the prom:) She thought that Edward was going to transform her, but he didn't!.!.!.of course! The End!Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward and bella go to the prom!. bella thought she was gonna get changed!. {stupid her} and they're outside, and they kiss, and talk about vampires and stufffffffff!. then, edward moves his lips to her throat, and says: "you dnt think i'll give in that easily," and bella gets her puffy mad face!. the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the cullen family kill james and bella goes to a hospital!. they tell her mom that she "tripped"!. edward promises that he won't leave her!. after that, they go to prom [i think!. or maybe that's in new moon]!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh wow, here's a thought, instead of wasting five points why don't you go read it!. Good luck though reading it, it is dreadfully boring!.

Thumbs me down all you want, I couldn't care less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just skim through it to make sure!

-Mrs!.Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:17Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. Twilight pretty much ended with Edward taking Bella to the prom after she is released from the hospital!.!.
they go and then they talk about her becoming a vampire but he refuses to do it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Cullen family kills James and Bella ends up in a hospital!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is the new moon chapter one!. hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

The last word is "throat"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com