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Question: Read anything I'd like lately!?
As of late, I've been running out of things to read!. This is very frustrating for me!. I'm a fourteen-year-old girl and I've read a few of the classics (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and Gone with the Wind, to name a few) and I like them once I finish, but I don't really enjoy them while I read!.
I've read the whole Twilight Saga (back off Twilighters, I'm already done!) and The Host, and loved them!. Chronicals of Narnia, Eragon and Eldest, and the Harry Potter she-bang!. Plus I really like Scott Westerfeld and Sarah Dessen!. So, any suggestions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are some of my favorites:

Neil Gaiman is an amazing author! Any of his books are good!. Try Neverwhere, Stardust or Coraline!.

Edgar Allen Poe is a really good author!. Check out his poems and short stories!.

William Shakespeare is good too!.

Any books by Scott Westernfeld or Neal Shusterman are really good too!.

Any books by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes are amazing! There is In The Forest of The Night, Demon In My View, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator!. And then there is the The Kiesha'ra series: Hawksong (the best in the series!), Snakecharm, Falcondance, Wolfcry and Wyverhail!.

A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

How To Kill A Rock Star by Tiffanie Debartolo

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

13 Little Blue Envelopes and Girl At Sea by Maureen Johnson

Abarat by Clive Barker, Make sue you get the hardcover version though!!! If you liked the first one be sure to check out the next book in the series Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War!.

Daughters of Destiny series: Keeper of the Winds,Keeper of the Waters, Keeper of the Flames and Keeper of the Earth by Jenna Solitaire!.

The Abhorsen Trilogy (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) by Garth Nix

The Maximum Ride series (The Angel Experiment, Schools Out Forever, Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, The Final Warning) by James Patterson

His Dark Materials trilogy (The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) by Philip Pullman

A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels and The Far Sweet Thing by Libba Bray

The Riddles of Epsilon by Christine Morton-Shaw

The Cry of the Icemark by Stuart Hill

The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray by Chris Wooding

Inkheart and Inkspell and Inkdeath (coming soon!) by Cornelia Funke

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke

Holes by Louis Sanchar

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass

The Morganville Vampire series (Glass Houses, Dead Girls Dance, Midnight Alley and Feast of Fools) by Rachel Cain

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J!.R!.R!. Tolkien

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

The Secret Under My Skin by Janet McNaughton

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

Uglies series by Scott Westernfeld

The Wind Singer, Slaves of the Mastery and Firesong by William Nicholson

Define “Normal” by Julie Ann Peters

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

The Sight and Fell by David Clement-Davies

The Prophecy of the Stones by Flavia Bujor

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

Wake by Lisa McMann

Old Magic by Marianne Curley

Thieves Like Us and Thieves Till We Die by Stephen Cole

The Alex Rider series (starting with Stormbreaker) by Anthony Horowitz

Looking For Alaska by John Green

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

The Earthsea series (starting with A Wizard of Earthsea) by Ursula K!. Le GuinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some Fantasy type stuff you might enjoy
David Eddings Belgariad and Mallorean (NOT his recent stuff co-authored with wife Leigh)
Jack Vance Lyonesse series
Jack Vance Araminta Station (Sci-Fi Setting but great story and Vance's amazing whimsical dialogue)
Robin McKinley Blue Sword, Hero and the Crown
Raymond E Feist Magician Series
Feist and Janny Wurts Mistress of the Empire series
Sherri S Tepper The True Game
could go on but if these don't interest you my other suggestions probably wouldn't eitherWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver!.

It's a great story!. The main character is just a riot; she's witty and sarcastic and fun!.
It's so sweet; the ending is great :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe the joy luck club
and maybe the series of unfortunate eventsWww@QuestionHome@Com

To catch a pirate by Jade Parker It's a wonderful pirate love story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Titan's Curse would be a good one!.

And The Alchemist would be another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go Ask Alice
this book made my cry its the diary of a real girl who got into the world of drugsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier is a "classic", but I think it is easier to read than the ones you mentioned!. It's creepy, and you really feel for the main character!.

The Westing Game (don't remember the author) is probably written on a lower level than you can handle, but it's kind of a puzzle book, and you're trying to solve the mystery before the characters!. It's fun!.

Memoirs of a Geisha, by Arthur Golden, was very good, 100X better than the movie, and is a great glimpse into another culture!. The same can be said for Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan!.

I'm not well-versed in young adult novels, but it looks like you've got plenty of suggestions there!. When I don't know what to read next, I browse around Amazon!.com, typing in books I've liked, then seeing what else is recommended!. I write down the titles that sound good, and then go to my local library's website and have them sent to the local branch!. I don't have to spend a dime!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i just answered the same question for someone else and they mentioned very similar books!. i did have a lot of time on my hands, but here goes

Eoin Colfer
It’s a classic!. I’m not sure if you can outgrow Artemis Fowl!. I hope not…!.!.
Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl and the arctic incident
Artemis Fowl and the eternity code
You get my drift…!.
AF and the opal deception
AF and the lost colony
The Wish List (also really good, not an Artemis Fowl though)

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
A vampire book, there are a few of them but they’re all brilliant and really quick reads!. Good for when you have an afternoon of nothing to do but cant get too committed to a project!.
Shattered Mirror
Demon in my View
In the Forrest of the Night

Janet Evanovich
Well these are a little girly but still brilliant, it’s about a bounty hunter ok well not really but a girl pretending o be an well just read it its self explanatory and really hilarious
Stephanie Plum Series
One for the money
Two for the dough
Three to get deadly
You get my drift!? If you like the first few I reckon you’ll read the rest in your own time

Laurell K Hamilton
Ok my advice here is ditto to the Stephanie Plum series!. They’re brilliant, not as funny but better in a different way!. Very cool books……
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series
Nuff said

Anne Rice
Ok I know I know the queen of Goth literature, the pioneer of the gothic vampiric subculture…!.sue me, her stuff is good
I’m not going to give you a whole list here, just try Pandora, ok!? Its good, and one of her newest ones and a completely different series to lestat!. I promise

Carolyn Mackler
This is more a fun inspirational must read!. I read it when I was younger like 12
And then again at the end of last year!. I really liked it!. It’s very…!. Just read it!?
The Earth, my butt and other big round things
Ignore the title; you’ll understand when you read it

James Clemens
A very well done/set out, extremely clever and ok really fun characters even though it’s scary at times
Wit'ch Fire
Wit'ch Storm
Wit'ch War
Wit'ch Gate
Wit'ch Star

Holly Black
Ok I know she wrote the spidewicks but this series is good, more grown up but still magical!.its got a great blend of normal everyday modern life with ancient faerie courts and the sidhe etc…!.its good and also quick read

Rick Riordan
Ok actually one of the coolest series I've read in a really long time, it’s seriously original!. Just if u don’t like the sound pf a single one of the books I recommend, well you still have to read this!. And Twilight!. But yea
Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
The lightning thief
The sea of monsters
The titans curse
The battle for the labyrinth

Cecelia Reece
Witch child
Ok more girl orientated but still really good reads!. Just viewed through a girls perspective, that’s all

Teri Geritsen
That’s how you spell her surname…but it’s a really good read that then becomes a series…I know it sounds gory but its still totally awesome If!.
The Surgeon

Dan Brown
Angel and demons
The da vinci code
Yes you have to read it…all of it!. You will even enjoy it!. I did and I debated reading it for a month before actual talking myself into it!. Its intimidating in the same way the simarillion is (if that’s how you spell simarillion…!.)

Meg Cabot
No I could not resist throwing these in
Tommy Sullivan is a Freak
She went all the way
Guy next door
Boy meets girl
Every guys got one

Sharon Creech
Walk two moons
I read it ages ago, you should have too

Malory Blackman
Naught and crosses
On knifes edge
Just read them, no comment, just read

Christopher Paolini
I know I know but he’s going down anyway!. Eragon rox! Ok!? I know you agree

Libba Bray
A Great ant terrible beauty
Rebel angels
The sweet far thing
Ignore the girly titles just read it!. Its all magic and adventure set in like the 1920s or whenever and it’s really cool

Ted Dekker
…is a genius!. Read enjoy read again
Heavens wager

Garth nix
Excellent, excellent excellent nuff said just reeeeead!!!!
New series
Mister Monday
Grim Tuesday
Drowned Wednesday
Sir Thursday
Lady Friday
Superior Saturday
Lord Sunday

Anne Brashares
Girl of lost things
Totally a must read!. Very…!.soul searchy

Sarah dessen
Ok a girly read I get but trust me they are absolutely brilliant and totally ok for a guy to read too!. The message is the same for everyone
The truth about forever
Just listen

Cassandra Clare
Read it read it read it!!!
City of bones
City of ashes

Melissa marr
Wicked Lovely
Cynthia leitich smith
Again ditto or is that an oxymoron…!?

Ok so here come the books you have to read but whose authors I can’t remember!. Oh well…!.!.

Evil genius
Spandau phoenix
The five people you meet in heaven
The lovely bones
The dream merchant
The star of KazanWww@QuestionHome@Com