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Position:Home>Books & Authors> The Author said they would see what their publisher says, but they want a price

Question: The Author said they would see what their publisher says, but they want a price for the photo, what to charge!?
My photo was shown to the author and the author thought it was a great shot, butthey want to know how much i want for the photo to be added to their novel!. I'm a young male model and getting my photo seen is a great opportunity, but i would hate to under value myselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you sure the photo is yours to sell!? Under international copyright law, the rights to the photo belong to the photographer, not the model!. Unless you have a written contract with the photographer that transfers those rights to you, you don't "own" the photo!. (This is true even if a friend or relative took the photo and has never registered the copyright!.)

If you are identifiable in the photo, the photographer would need a release from you to publish the photo, in many cases!. But that doesn't mean that you own the rights to the photo!.

If you paid the photographer to take the shots, you may or may not own the intellectual rights to them!. Check your contract!. Sorry to be so nit-picky, but it's better to find out here than from a lawsuit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com