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Question: Anyone know what book this is!?
I saw a poster in my English class back in high school of a guy with the city in the background and he had a tattoo!. I guess it's based off a book, and in the book the man's tattoo comes to life and is evil!. It literally just comes off his body!. I've been trying to find this book on the internet and search engines with no such luck!. My former English teacher doesn't work at my school anymore and I can't get a hold of her to ask!.!.!.

Has anyone heard of that book with that plot scheme!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Black Tattoo!?


Well the picture sounds like the cover of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare!.
But the plot is totally different!.

Was this the picture!?

It may the The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it kind of sounds like
the black tattooWww@QuestionHome@Com