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Question: What is the book twilight about!?
so my daughter has been reading the Twilight series!.!.!. She's 16!.!.she wants me to buy her breaking dawn when it comes out!.!. I am not sure what it is about, when i ask her and when she talks about i dont understand a word she is saying!.!.!.

so what is the book twilight by stephannie meyer about!?
please give me a summary or plotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The story of Twilight is about a young girl, Bella, who falls in love with Edward, who is a Vampire!. At the end of that book, Edward successfully saves her from a sadistic vampire who wished to kill her!. [Edward Kills him]

In New moon, the second book, Edward leaves bella because he doesn't want to risk her life by being around her [vampire human thing] While he's gone, she starts to fall in love with her friend Jacob and realizes he is a werewolf!. At the end, she saves Edward!.

In Eclipse, Edward saves bella from the vampire's grilfriend from the first book that also wished to kill her!. Edward and Jacob fight over bella and she ultimately chooses to marry edward!.

Bella wishes for edward to chnage her into a vampire, which will force her to abandon her family!.

The last book will sum up eerything and determine if she remains human or not!.

For a more detailed summary, you can try wikipedia or www!.stephaniemeyer!.com

hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is about a girl named Bella, who moves to a rainy nowhere town called Forks!. Bella is accident prone, has unusually low self esteem for a girl as pretty as she is, and in no way looks forward to her time in a tiny, sunless town!.
In Forks, Bella meets Edward Cullen!. Edward is absolutely beautiful, gentlemanly, protective, caring, and not quite evil!. He's a vampire, but he and his family feed only on animals, not humans!.
Bella and Edward fall in love, it's horribly (and wonderfully) romantic and cheesy!. She literally gets light-headed from being around him too much!. But Edward worries that every second he spends with his human love endangers her!. He leaves, hoping to protect her by his absence!.
The second book (New Moon) is all about how Bella does NOT deal with Edward's absence!. Oh, I'm sure she tries, but she simply can't live without him!. She finally begins to heal by spending time with her friend Jacob Black (who is a werewolf, by the way), but then she find Edward again and everything goes back to normal!. Plus there's some danger from vampires and such, but that seemed like a subplot in this book!.
I'm not far in the third book (Eclipse), but I suspect many of New Moon's more physically dangerous plots (dangerous to Bella, that is) will be resolved!.

If you're worried about whether or not the books are appropriate for your daughter, I'd say you have nothing to worry about!. They are written specifically for teenage girls, so they include nothing inappropriate!. I hope that helps!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

basically it's a love triangle where a teenage girl falls in love with a vampire boy (who doesn't eat people- he's a vampire "vegetarian") and wants to turn into a vampire so she can be with him forever and ever!.!.!.!. but then there is her best friend, who happens to be a werewolf!.!.!. and she loves him too!.!.!. but vampires and werewolfs can't coexist!.

it sounds ridiculus right!? my friend told me about it and i also had no clue what she was talking about and thought she was nuts!. i picked it up to read it cuz i take the train to work and needed some fresh material!.!.!. and i got HOOKED!. and i'm in my mid twenties if that helps any lol it is a good book!. and from a parents perspective, nothing to be worred about your daughter reading :) your typical teenage crush story played out with magical creatures :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

girl named bella (shy, awkward) falls in love with a vampire named edward!.Bella has a friend named Jacob who is a werewolf!. Werewolves are enemies of vampires!. Its a great book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm 13 and i love those books, you should get it for her

the story is about a girl named bella who falls in love with a vampire!.

it's not a violent story, and it's not obsceneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is about a girl ( Bella ) who falls in love with a vampire ( Edward )

And you would really have to read the book to get the WHOLE story, their really good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampires and prom!. And whining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's about a girl who moves to a new town and meets a vampire!. They fall in love and face problems, etc!.!.!.

Basically I wouldn't let my child read it as I found the books to be horrible!.

Reasons I disliked the books
I found the plot very cliche and full of holes!. The characters were not very well developed!.
The love story was never explained further than she thinks he's hot and he thinks she smells good!.

I don't understand how girls go on and on about how perfect they are together!.
Basically I think Edward is an abusive boyfriend!. He controls Bella by saying he wants to protect her!. He often leaves her for her own good and the more he does that, the more she clings to him!. His protection only isolates her from other people!. She suffers from Stockholm Syndrome in my opinion!.

In the second book, she convinces herself to put her life in danger, if only to hear his voice!. That's a clear sympton of Stockholm Syndrome!. She wants to be a vampire without caring what it'll do to her family or her friends!. Shes selfish and whiny!.

And by the third book, the only character I liked (Jacob) turned into a whiny jerk, who mainpulates Bella's emotions
Jacob uses evey oppurtunity he can to throw in Bella's face that she chose Edward, thus playing the wounded dog!.

I find the "Heroine" extremely unlikeable!. Her only defining characteristic is that she is a klutz, and is constantly in trouble!.
She falls for a man and pines for him, willing to give up her life and not caring the friends and family she hurts, to be with him!.

I think that's a horrible message for younger readers!.
I also do not like the idea that the 5th book is going to be Twilight from the guys point of view!. In other words I would have to buy 2 books to understand the story completely!. That's a rip off in my opinion!.

These books make me imagine people like Voltairine de Cleyre, Elizabeth Blackwell, Susan B!. Anthony, Abigail Adams, etc, rolling over in their graves when they realize that this is the result of all their workWww@QuestionHome@Com

I wrote a review about it, here it is:
Vampire books are lame!.

I'll confess that that was what I was thinking when people began telling me about Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight!." Vampires!? Lame!. Werewolves!? More lame!. Then I set my pride aside and opened the book (In my own defense, I was really, really bored)!. I have since bought all three of the published novels, am counting down the days for the fourth, and have read each of them several times!. Guess what!? I have joined the ranks of lameness, and I'm proud of it!. :)

Anything But Typical

Stephenie Meyer is a very rare, highly talented author!. She speaks to her audience at a level so intimate that the reader fails to realize her influence!. Girls, you will find yourself relating to Bella in so many ways, you'll begin to learn more about yourself!. Guys, if you want to know what it's like to be in a girl's head, this is definitely the best example I have found!.(Don't worry girls!. I'm not saying we're all the same!. I know better!. But there are undeniably a few predictable, highly similar reactions we can find through Bella!. For example: Edward and/or Jacob!. If you've read the book(s), just think the name!. If not, you'll understand when you do!. :)) Meyer not only knows how to speak to her audience, but also adds her own imagination, killing old stereotypes of Vampires and Werewolves!. Sorry, no examples here!. You'll just have to read it for yourself!. :)

Realistic Characters!.!.!.Even if a Few Are "Mythical"

While reading this book, no doubt you will think of people in your life that relate to Bella and her friends!. Jessica: the chatty friend!. Mike: the guy you're not sure how to deal with!. Charlie: the overprotective, overreacting father!. Mr!. Banner: biology teacher!. This book is based in High School, after all!. Who doesn't know somebody in an odd love-triangle, have strong feelings about certain weather patterns, or has that certain, very tattered, favorite book!?

You Can Judge THIS Book By It's Cover

I love art, and the cover of this book is what actually made me allow myself to touch it!. The hard black background with the highly contrasting red apple and pale flesh!.!.!.I consider that a modern masterpiece!. The luring beauty of the "forbidden fruit" peaked my curiosity!. I would willingly subject myself to a sappy story (forgive me!) to pay tribute to the artist!. Roger Hagadone is talented, and I love all of the covers!. I am looking forward to the effects on the final novel!.

Final Words

I apologize for not being as detailed as some would have me be, but I really don't want to give too much away!. It's no fun when you know the whole story before you read it!. I would suggest for you to take a weekend, get a soft, warm, fuzzy blanket and comfy pj's, and tell everyone to buzz off!. Once you open to the first page, you will be drawn into another world!. And it will be worth every minuteWww@QuestionHome@Com