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Question: Twilight Fans and Readers!.!.!.!.!?
What are your thoughts on the Twilight Movie!? Happy, Sad!? Upset!? lol Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm a little upset about it, because the Bella from the movie, isn't even close to how I picture her in the book, along with Edward and the other Cullens!. I will watch the movie, just for kicks, but I'm going to try to convince myself not to since, I am completely content with how I imagine the characters now!. Twilight obsession!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Upset!. The Cullens are supposed to be BEAUTIFUL!. I don't know why everyone is just in love with Robert Pattinson as Edward!. After reading the books and picturing Edward and the rest of them the way I saw them in my mind, it's disappointing to see what has turned out for the movie!. I do like Kristen Stewart as Bella and Nikki Reed as Rosalie!. And the one who plays James; perfect!. But that's it!. I'm disappointed!. Hopefully the director will do well!. She directed Thirteen and Lords of Dogtown (hence Nikki Reed) so hopefully this will work out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm really hoping the movie will turn out well!. Kristen Stewart is a great actress, and Robet Pattinson isn't that bad either!.
From what I've seen of the movie!.!.!. I'm preparing myself for disappointment!.
I personally have reread Twilight so many times, I'm not going to post the number here, what with all the Twilight hatred, but i can pretty much say I know how a lot of the dialouge in the book is worded, and where it's said!.
Of course they've changed some of this, and I understand, but I still hate to see it!.
They've added extra scenes, and I still can't comprhend how Laurent is going to be African American, since vampires are supposed to be pale, but whatever!.
It's probably going to turn out to be a cheesy science fiction movie with bad action scenes and love scenes that aren't going to be believable!.

I fully plan to go see it opening night, and I think all fans should, but I wouldn't expect to see the Twilight we all love up on the big screen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the books and I really hope the movie does them justice!. I don't think they'll be as good as the books, but I reckon it still looks really good!. It's not going to be exactly how we imagined it because in reality, nobody's perfect!. So far, it looks different as to how I saw things happening in my mind, but it still looks like a really cool movie!. So I'm excited for its release! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's going to suck(no pun intended)!. All the character's actors (with the exception of carlisle and James) are COMPLETELY WRONG for them! Emmett looks like an extra from Step up two; Jasper looks like a Puffboy, soap opera character; Bella looks like a drug addict; Rosalie isn't pretty enough; alice's hair is too long and she looks too old; Jacob looks too young;Esme just looks plain WRONG; And don't even get me STARTED on that sorry excuse for an Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's going to be a super great movie, i just hate the fact that there making scenes that aren't in the movie, like the green house scene, and i don't like the fact that edward acts like a monkey flying through the trees!. but other than that i can't wait for it to come out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Loved the books for the imagination but to answer you question, no, I hope to avoid my sister dragging me hyperactively to the movie theater!. I tend to enjoy my own imagination and not to enjoy movies made from books!.!.!.-!.- I probably will see it eventually though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm REALLY excited about it!. The casting is wonderful! I was bitter at first about Alice not having a pixie but, I got over that!. The cast is very interesting and I'm glad they haven't been hit by main stream Hollywood!. yet!. My favorite actor out of the bunch is Jackson Rathbone and Ashley Greene (especially Jackson), they play Jasper and Alice!. I love having a cast with new faces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I quickly skimmed through the other answers and one word immediatly came into my head!.
This movie is going AMAZING!
Kristen Stewart, she is perfect for Bella!
R-Pattz, he and Kristen look adorable together!
Kristens voice sounds very low I know, but my voice is the same so I can't say very much!. Honestly, i didn't notice until people started on about it!. And for Rob's jaw, well, I don't care that much; he is hot xD
And if you think about it, no human could pull of the Cullens you saw in your head when you were reading the book because they are VAMPIRES OF YOUR IMAGINATION! lmao!
So stop being so pessimistic, this movie is coming out whether you think its gonna be crap or not!.

3 words!.

Deal!. With!. It!.

-Jesi xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I personally think the movie will be good!. I know its not going to be exactly like the book!.
I think people need to get over who they chose for the characters!. You cant dont anything about it!. If it bothers them so much dont go see the movie!.
Yes Robert is British, but in the movie he has an american accent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am very happy and pleased!. Everyone is judging the actors just by how they look!. I think they chose every person really well! I think Rob Pattinson is gorgeous, and he is a great actor! People have to wait and see!. You cant judge a book by its cover :)!.!. its probably going to be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel like the characters don't really match the exact description - but you'd probably wouldn't find an exact match so oh well
but anywayz i'm really exited about the movie :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i want to see it but i dont wanna see it!. my friend is friends with the person who plays jacob so i wanna support him but im afraid they will screw it up!.!.!. if that makes sence!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Upset!. Kristen is way to monotone!.
Rpatz, don't even get me started!.
And Tayla; looks like he is 12!.!.!.

I will still go watch it though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

BEST DAM SERIES ON EARTH! CANT WAIT TILL I GET THE FOURTH BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to see the movie i Assume it will be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

worried, it cant be as good as the book, and Edward is from chicago, but the actor playing him is british!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope its good because the extras from Penelope were horrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont like who they chose to play Laurent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will most likely be just like the books (bad!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hope it's really goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not going to see it, because to be honest I was not a big fan of the books - a made an effort, I really did but Stephanie Meyer is an awful writer and Bella is an annoying character!. *awaits thumbs down*Www@QuestionHome@Com