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Question: New moon: when does edward come back!?!!?
no spoilers please! i just want to know what what page he comes back!. im having edward withdrawel!. how long is gunna be for him to come back!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He comes back in the very end!.

My advice is to stop worrying about Edward and take the time to enjoy the middle of the book!. Don't rush through it-- the middle portion of the book is really important to Eclipse!. To really understand Eclipse, you need to understand Jake, which means you need to understand the middle of New Moon!. So let yourself enjoy the middle and don't worry about Edward!. He comes back eventually (unfortunately)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have hope! Don't worry, he'll be back before you know it!. He comes back near the end, but not too near that you don't get enough to read! You'll probably know when you're getting close to his return!. Happy reading! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

not until the very end!. only about 2 chapters!. sorry hun! i was disapointed, too! and i had such terrible withdrawl i actually sped read the whole thing until he came back!!!
btw--a pretty dramatic ending!!! =] be prepared!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He never comes back!. He's gone for good and you never see any of the Cullens again!.

Kidding! He does come back, but not for awhile!. He's in about the last 100 pages or so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Near the end i think pg 432 ishhh around there!

-Mrs!.Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:17Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I believe he stopped at mars to visit the marshons, than Earth to see the Earthlings, but then I think he got bored and left for urainus, he says its more exciting there XD lmao!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm edward!. i had some coffe with him on the moon!. edward isnt come!. his wife isabel giving birth so they'll be in uranus for awile!. but i know fred will be comming to town :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

hes gonna be gone for a while!.!.!.!.!.!.sorry!.
:) but when he does come back!.!.!.hes sexier than ever!
dayum, bellas a lucky girl!Www@QuestionHome@Com