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Question: Twilight Series- Stephanie Meyer!?
Just a few weeks ago i bought the book Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and i am dying to know what ends up happening with Edward and Bella!.!.!. so could some one please ruin the ending for me with the last two books New Moon and Eclipse because i can't stand not knowingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, I'll do it, since you have the right to have it spoiled, if you want!. (I only know how New Moon ends; I'm still reading Eclipse!.!.!. Wish I wasn't!.)

Edward and Bella get back together, and she basically leaves Jacob devastated, as she walks away from him, with her jerk boyfriend!. (Sorry girls, but if Ed was my boyfriend, I'd have kicked him in the crotch for leading me away from my best pal!.) Bella is determined to be a vampire, and Carlisle agrees to do it, after she graduates; however, she wants Edward to do it, and he says he will!.!.!. IF she marries him!.!.!. That thought scares her (yeah, being an immortal bloodsucker isn't scary at all!), but she seems to ponder it, at least!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Twilight, new moon, and eclipse!. And i love to talk about them, but i word of advice-Those are the best books i have ever read!. The whole story just memorizes you, and i am not the type to read a lot!. It won't be the same if you know what happens before you read it!. Don't ruin it, the books are diffenatly worth waiting!. Stop reading the ansers now, so the best books won't be ruinedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I'll spoil the ending for you!. I totally love the Twilight series and so much stuff happens, so I'd want you to know it all!.

In New Moon, Jake dies after fighting with some vampires from San Francisco!. In Eclipse, Eddie becomes human but then he loses interest in Bella and finds human love with a different girl!. Bella, heartbroken, turns to Mike who now doesn't want her!. She goes back to live with her mother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

La Tourterelle-- Haha! OMG that made me laugh so hard!. And the sad thing is, I can actually see that happening because the series is so dramatic!.

I'm too lazy to type up the plot summaries for New Moon (book 2) and Eclipse (book 3)!. If you want to spoil it, just go to Wikipedia and look up "New Moon" and "Eclipse"!. The summary is on there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well there are some online libraries like scribd!.com that usually have them online to read!.!. A few people end up posting the books and about 2 days later it gets deleted so I check the site all the time bcuz I have every book on my computer except for twilight and thats my fav!. one!.!.!. But if you really want someone to spoil it for u email me and I'll tell u everything =)
btw that law tor guy is making that up!.!. none of that happens AT ALL!! =]]Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you "can't stand not knowing" that should motivate you to read faster!.

You should hurry up too, the final (highly anticipated) book, Breaking dawn is coming out Aug!. 2nd

Have fun reading!. And please read them! The point of reading is to keep you in suspenseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not a chance! They are great books and read really quickly!.!.!. trust me!. And I never thought that I would like the series after reading the back of Twilight - teenage vampires!? Yuk! I couldn't have been more wrong! Take some time, sit back with a smoothie in hand and enjoy the book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not going to tell you what happens because I think you should read the books instead, but I will tell you that the second response you got to this question is not correct, so don't believe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I were you I would read them!. The experience would be way better than having someone just tell you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dnt think your gonna get any one to spoil the endings for you!. just read you ll be glade no one said any thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com