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Question: How do you know you are a writer!?
I have been writing on off for years; in journals, blogs but I have doubts over my ability to be a publish writer!. Yet I when I avoid writing, I felt cranked up!. My self esteem plummets!. I get depressed!. Is these signs that I am a writer!? I do dream to use my life as a platform for writing but I don't know where to start!?

Please help!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Congratulations! You are already a writer, and seem to have developed the characteristics that many of them have as well!.

But what you really want to be is an author--a published writer, that is!. The first thing you must do is rid yourself of any self-doubt!. It will only destroy you in the end!. Have confidence in yourself, and you will be an author someday!. Yet, where do you start on this long journey!? I am afraid you already have!. You have been living for a few years now, and are sure to have drawn some inspiration from the things around you!. You said you feel "cranked up" when you don't write!. So !.!.!. just start already! Have an idea in your head!? Follow it! Write it and don't stop until you feel that there's nothing left to be said!. Write every single day, even if it is only a word, or as many as ten thousand words!. Then read over it, not once, not twice, but many times!. Read and edit it until you are sick of it!. And then continue doing it some more!. Occasionally have someone you trust look at it for you, but don't expect their criticism to be valid if its comes from loved ones and friends!. Then find someone you trust that might hate you, and have them give you suggestions!. When you end up with a finished piece, start sending the query letters, cover letters, and all that!. That in itself is a whole other process, another answer for another time!. Have faith in your writing and good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are a writer if you write (!), if you have a passion for writing!. Whether you are an ACCOMPLISHED writer is another question entirely!. You may be a person who writes persistently and yet never write anything which a legitimate publishing company will pay you to publish!. If your dream is to become a published author, you need to write with the idea that you are creating something for publication, and you need to have it critiqued by someone who will be objective and honest!. If you believe, then, that you have indeed written something worthy of publication, then you must seek an agent to represent you or consult "Writer's Market 2008" for possible outlets for what you've written!. In summary, you must expend the time and effort to write what you envision in your dream!. Only you can do that!. Start at the beginning! Make an outline and plan for your piece, then simply write it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you write voluntarily, when no one is forcing you to!.!.!.you are a writer!. It's an interest you are either born with, or you're not!.

If you have doubts about your abilities, either take some college-level fiction or non-fiction creative writing classes, or join a writers group (in person or online, like hatrack!.com) or read some books on writing!.

Decide what type of writing you want to do, and study it!. Read extensively in your field, and have more experienced writers critique your work!.

Writing skill can be learned -- in fact, it must be learned!. No one is born a writer!. (PS!. Not to be mean, but you might want to brush up on your grammar a little, too!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do it for yourself!. If writing makes you happy then it doesn't matter if you go you're whole life without anyone reading your work!. And yea, if you put your pen to paper for the joy of being able to create things!.!.!.you are a writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it doesnt matter if other people think your stuff is good or not as long as you like what you write then you should keep writing but if you think your stuff is good then i say go a head and try to get it publishedWww@QuestionHome@Com